
Literaturverzeichnis, geordnet nach Erscheinungsjahr: 1940-1949

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Auszug Texte zu BDSM und Recht
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Stand: 20.09.2004

[Abr48] Abraham, Karl, 1948
Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis , S. ?-?
Verlag: Hogarth, London
[All40] Allen, Clifford, 1940
The Sexual Perversions and Abnormalities: A study in the psychology of paraphilia
Verlag: Oxford University Press, London et al.
Kurzbeschreibung:  Verhaltensbiologisch orientiert, relativ vorurteilsfrei, zahlreiche Fallbeschreibungen.
[Bag41] Baggally, W., 1941
Hedonic Conflict and the Pleasure Principle
Erschienen in: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Bd. 22, Nr. 3-4, 1941, S. 280-300
[Ban42] Banay, Ralph S., 1942
Apparent Recovery of a Sex Psychopath After Lobotomy
Erschienen in: Journal of Criminal Psychopathology, Bd. 4, Nr. 1, 1942, S. 59-66
[Ber47a] Bergman, Paul, 1947
Analysis of an unusual case of fetishism
Erschienen in: Bulletins of the Menninger Clinic, Bd. 11, 1947, S. 67-75
Kurzbeschreibung:  "A case is described of a boy in late adolescence whose sexual life was almost wholly absorbed by a fascination for the exhaust pipes of cars. The perversion started almost simultaneously with adolescent masturbation and was preceded in early childhood by a period of extreme cruelty toward animals. He attempted to control his fetishistic perversion by severe self-discipline of mind and body. One long period of abstinence ended in serious acts of arson. At one time during analysis there was a short break with reality marked by hallucinations of witchlike women torturing the patient. Where fetishism is a symptom of central importance, causing great suffering, 'the symptom may be assumed to grow out of and as a defense against psychotic personality structure.'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ber40] Berliner, Bernhard, 1940
Libido and reality in masochism
Erschienen in: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Bd. 9, 1940, S. 322-333
[Ber42] Berliner, Bernhard, 1942
The Concept of Masochism
Erschienen in: The Psychoanalytic Review, Bd. 29, 1942, S. 386-400
[Ber47] Berliner, Bernhard, 1947
On Some Psychodynamics of Masochism
Erschienen in: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Bd. 16, Nr. 4, 1947, S. 459-471
[Ber48] Beroud, Dr. Georges, 1948
Pendaison accidentelle d'un masochiste
Erschienen in: Revue de criminologie et de police technique, 1948
[Bin49] Binswanger, Ludwig, 1949/50
Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen
Erschienen in: Psyche, 1949/50, S. 881-?
[Bon48] Bonnet, Federico, 1948
Autofetichismo del calzado
Erschienen in: Archivos de Medicina Legal, Buenos Aires, Bd. 18, 1948, S. 118-130
Kurzbeschreibung:  "This is the presentation of a case history of a man of 20, whose eroticism centered entirely about footwear, starting at first with his own and then spreading to other people's shoes. Altho he was sexually active, there had never been any but auto-erotic expressions. Discussion of definitions, symptomatology, etiology, and nosology of fetishisms. 25 references." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bos47] Boss, Medard, 1947
Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen: Ein daseinsanalytischer Beitrag zur Psychopathologie des Phänomens der Liebe
Verlag: Huber, Bern
[Bos49] Boss, Medard, 1949
Meaning and Content of Sexual Perversions; a Daseinsanalytic approach to the psychopathology of the phenomenon of love
Verlag: Grune & Stratton, Oxford
Anmerkungen:  153 Seiten; vermutlich englische Übersetzung von → Bos47.
Kurzbeschreibung:  "The psychoanalytic and anthropologic theories of perversions are criticized and a synthesis of their best points is achieved in Daseinsanalyse, a psychoanalytic-phenomenologic psychopathology. With this approach a fetishist, coprophiliac, a kleptomaniac, a voyeur and exhibitionist, a sadomasochist and three homosexuals are presented as cases of restriction in the expression of love." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Che49] Chesser, Eustace, 1949
Sexual Behaviour - Normal and Abnormal
Verlag: Medical Publications Ltd., London
[Deu48] Deutsch, Helene, 1948
Psychologie der Frau
Verlag: Huber, Bern, Stuttgart
Anmerkungen:  2 Bände
[Doo41] Dooley, Lucile, 1941
The Relation of Humor to Masochism
Erschienen in: The Psychoanalytic Review, Bd. 28, 1941, S. 37-46
[Eas44] East, W.N., 1944
Sexual Offenders
in: Radzinowicz, L. / Turner, J.W.C. (Hrsg.): English Studies in Criminal Science. Vol. II: Mental abnormality and crime., S. 177-207
Verlag: Macmillan, Oxford
Anmerkungen:  XXIV, 316 Seiten.
Kurzbeschreibung:  "A discussion is presented of sexual irregularities as seen from the standpoint of the law, the church, and medicine, with a plea for an integration of these views. Tables show the frequency and type of sexual crimes in England. In a discussion of psychological factors in sexual irregularities, the author defines sexual perversion as sexual activity in which complete satisfaction is sought and obtained without the necessity of heterosexual intercourse and which is not a substitute for preferred heterosexual activity. Both inherited and environmental factors seem important in developing perverts. Brief discussions are given on the incidence of sexual crimes committed by the mentally ill and deficient and on the types of crimes committed (heterosexual, homosexual, exhibitionistic, sadistic, masochistic, fetishistic and transvestic). Seduction in childhood is considered the most important environmental factor in producing homosexuality. Treatment is discussed in relation to punishment." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Eid45] Eidelberg, Ludwig, 1945
A Contribution to the Study of the Masturbation Phantasy
Erschienen in: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Bd. 26, 1945, S. 127-137
[Ell42] Ellis, Havelock, 1942
Studies in the Psychology of Sex
Verlag: Random House, New York
Anmerkungen:  2 Bände in insgesamt 7 Teilen: The Evolution of Modesty - The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity - Auto-Eroticism - Analysis of the Sexual Impulse - Love and Pain - The Sexual Impulse in Women - Sexual Selection in Man - Sexual Inversion - Erotic Symbolism - The Mechanism of Detumescence - The Psychic State in Pregnancy - Eonism and Other Supplementary Studies - Sex in Relation to Society. Ursprünglich etwa zwischen 1904 und 1910 erschienen.
[Fen45] Fenichel, Otto, 1945
The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis
Verlag: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, London / New York
Anmerkungen:  703 Seiten
[Fro42] Fromm, Erich, 1942
The Fear of Freedom
Verlag: Paul, Trench, Trubner, London
Anmerkungen:  XI/257 Seiten
[Fro45] Fromm, Erich, 1945
Die Furcht vor der Freiheit
Verlag: Steinberg, Zürich
Anmerkungen:  293 Seiten, ursprünglich als → Fro42 erschienen.
[Gar44] Garma, Angel, 1944
Sadism and Masochism in Human Conduct (Part I)
Erschienen in: Journal of Clinical Psycho-Pathology and Psychotherapy, Bd. 6, Nr. 1, 1944, S. 1-36
[Gar44a] Garma, Angel, 1944
Sadism and Masochism in Human Conduct (Part II)
Erschienen in: Journal of Clinical Psycho-Pathology and Psychotherapy, Bd. 6, Nr. 2, 1944, S. 355-90
[Gar45] Garma, Angel, 1945
Sadism and Masochism in Human Conduct (Part III)
Erschienen in: Journal of Clinical Psycho-Pathology and Psychotherapy, Bd. 6, Nr. 3-4, 1945, S. 403-508
[Gar45a] Garma, Angel, 1944
Sadism and Masochism in Human Conduct (Part IV)
Erschienen in: Journal of Clinical Psycho-Pathology and Psychotherapy, Bd. 7, Nr. 1, 1944, S. 43-64
[Gil40] Gillespie, W.H., 1940
A Contribution to the Study of Fetishism
Erschienen in: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Bd. 21, 1940, S. 401-415
Kurzbeschreibung:  "'Is fetishism primarily a product of castration anxiety, to be related almost exclusively to the phallic phase, and concerned to maintain the existence of a female penis; or does the main dynamic force really come from more primitive levels, which undeniably contribute to give its ultimate form to fetishism?' The author proceeds to discuss this formulation not in terms of what makes a patient a fetishist, but in terms of the difficulties precluding normal sexual development. To this end analytic findings on a fetishistic patient are cited and discussed in detail, and the conclusion is offered that fetishism is the result of a specific form of castration anxiety, produced by a strong admixture of certain oral and anal trends." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gra49] Grant, Vernon W., 1949
A fetishistic theory of amorous fixation
Erschienen in: Journal of Social Psychology, Bd. 30, 1949, S. 17-37
Kurzbeschreibung:  "The fundamental needs of a fetish theory are set forth in a discussion of the varied roles of fetishes in 'the affective and perceptual components of sexual behavior.' 55 references." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gut47] Gutheil, Emil A., 1947
A Rare Case of Sadomasochism (Torture by Tickling)
Erschienen in: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Bd. 1, 1947, S. 187-192
Kurzbeschreibung:  "This is a case report of a 39-year-old lawyer who has been obsessed since early childhood by sexual ideas connected with the act of tickling. Since the patient was not analyzed, only speculation is possible as to the interplay of sadistic and masochistic elements, homosexual trends, and fetishism in the creation of this unusual paraphilia." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hen48] Henry, G.W., 1948
Sex Variants
2. Auflage
Verlag: FEHLT, London, New York
[Hir40] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1940
Sexual Pathology
Überarbeitete Auflage
Verlag: Emerson, Oxford
Anmerkungen:  368 Seiten
Kurzbeschreibung:  "A descriptive account of cases observed, diagnoses made, and treatment prescribed during the course of the author's practice. Part I, Sexual Symbolism, is an account of fetishism for parts of the body or for clothing or some other inanimate object. Parts II, Hypereroticism, and III, Impotence, deal with abnormal strength and weakness respectively of sexual desires and capacities. Hypereroticism involves an excess of sexual activity aroused by a single individual (superfixation) or by any individual of a given type (polyeroticism). The activity may involve either an unusual frequency of normal relations or a perversion of the normal relation (hypererotic deviation). Cases of impotence are classified according to locus of deficiency, as cerebral, spinal, genital, and germinal. Methods of therapy are suggested." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hir44] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1944
Sexual Anomalies and Perversions; physical and psychological development and treatment
Verlag: Francis Aldor / Emerson Books, Oxford
Anmerkungen:  Englische Ausgabe von → Hir31; laut Gayle Rubin (persönliche Mitteilung) sehr unzuverlässige Übersetzung. 630 Seiten
Kurzbeschreibung:  "First published in a limited edition of 1,200 copies in England, this authorized translation, constituting a summary of the author's life work, is now reissued for restricted sale to qualified persons. Book I (2 chapters), Normal Development of Sexuality, covers the physical and the psychological foundations of sexuality. Book II (4 chapters), Irregular Sexual Development, discusses quantitative irregularities of development, castration, infantilism, and hypererotism. Book III (9 chapters), Deflections of the Sexual Impulse, discusses autoerotism, hermaphroditism, androgyny, transvestitism, and the varieties, causes, and diagnosis of homosexuality. Book IV (8 chapters), Sadism and Masochism, discusses sexual aberrations arising from fixations on component impulses, particularly sadism and masochism, sexual murder, and necrophilia. Book V (5 chapters), Other Partial Impulses, discusses kinds and varieties of fetishism, exhibitionism, and scopophilia. Much clinical and anecdotal material is cited." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Jas46] Jaspers, Karl, 1946
Allgemeine Psychopathologie
4., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage
Verlag: Springer, Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg
Anmerkungen:  748 Seiten. Die Abschnitte "Abnorme Triebregungen" und "Perversionen" sind in → Gie67 abgedruckt.
[Kar41] Karpman, Benjamin, 1941
Perversions as neuroses (the paraphiliac neuroses); their relation to psychopathy and criminality
Erschienen in: Journal of Criminal Psychopathology, Bd. 3, 1941, S. 180-199
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Perversions (Paraphilias) are still regarded quite universally by psychiatrists as belonging to the group of Psychopathies. The purpose of this presentation was to show that paraphilias are basically neuroses and should be recognized as such, that they have an intimate relationship to other neuroses, such as hysterical neuroses, with which they share many features in common. An attempt was made to demonstrate the points in common and the points in difference by the presentation of several relevant cases and pertinent discussions. The recognition is important not only from a clinical and theoretical standpoint but from a forensic point of view as well since these paraphilias and related reactions contribute most to sex crimes. It has been further submitted that the proper treatment for this type of case is psychotherapy just as it is for neuroses in general."
[Kar48] Karpman, Benjamin, 1948
Coprophilia: A Collective Review
Erschienen in: The Psychoanalytic Review, Bd. 35, 1948, S. 253-272
Kurzbeschreibung:  "'... the reviewer has failed to find' any psychoanalytic contribution that specifically takes up the problem of coprophilia. 'Because of this, and to stimulate further interest, ...' the present review seemed desirable. Coprophilia is discussed briefly under the following 12 rubrics: General Biological Considerations, Erogenous Significance of Anal Zone, Defecation, Foot Fetishism, Voyeurism and Exhibitionism, Anal Erotism and Sadism, Coprophagia and Necrophagia, Copro-symbols, Language, Money Interests, Gastro-intestinal Interests, and Clinical Aspects. References are made chiefly to the writings of Freud, Ferenczi, Abraham, Kempf, Jones, Roheim, and Karpman." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kar49] Karpman, Benjamin, 1949
A moder Gulliver: a study in coprophilia
Erschienen in: Psychoanalytic Review, Bd. 36, 1949, S. 162-185
Kurzbeschreibung:  "A psychoneurotic's comments to 'Gulliver's Travels' are laden with strong coprophiliac trends and phantasies. The 3 parts of this 12 part article presented in this issue deal with (1) coprophilia, (2) mysophilia and urophilia, and (3) fetishism and partialism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[KP+49] Kinsey, A.C. / Pomeroy, W.B. / Martin, C.E. / Gebhard, Paul H., 1949
Concepts of Normality and Abnormality in Sexual Behavior
in: Hock, P.H. / Zubin, J. (Hrsg.): Psychosexual Development in Health and Disease, S. 11-32
Verlag: Grune & Stratton, New York
[KPM48] Kinsey, Alfred C. / Pomeroy, Wardell B. / Martin, Clyde E., 1948
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male
Verlag: Saunders, Philadelphia
[Kun42] Kunz, H., 1942
Zur Theorie der Perversion
Erschienen in: Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Bd. 105, 1942, S. 1-?
Anmerkungen:  Auch in → Gie67 abgedruckt.
[Lew44] Lewinsky, Hilde, 1944
On Some Aspects of Masochism
Erschienen in: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Bd. 25, 1944, S. 150-155
[Lis40] Liss, Edward, 1940
Learning: Its Sadistic and Masochistic Manifestations
Erschienen in: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Bd. 10, 1940, S. 123-128
[Low46] Lowenstein, R., 1946
A Special Form of Self-Punishment
Erschienen in: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Bd. 14, 1946, S. 1-?
[Lud48] Ludovici, Anthony M., 1948
Untapped Reserves of Sadism in Modern Men and Women
Erschienen in: Journal of Sex Education, Bd. 1, Nr. 3, 1948, S. 95-100
[Mas42] Maslow, A.H., 1942
Selfesteem (dominance feeling) and sexuality in women
Erschienen in: Journal of Social Psychology, Bd. 16, 1942, S. 259-280
[McC46] McCabe, Joseph, 1946
The History of Flagellation: The Whip as an Instrument of Punishment, Torture, Self-Beatings, Religion and Erotic Stimulation
Verlag: Haldeman-Julius Publications, Girard, Kan.
[McC49] McCabe, Joseph, 1949
The History of Torture
Verlag: Haldeman-Julius Publications, Girard, Kan.
[Nac48] Nacht, S., 1948
Le Masochisme: Etude Psychanalytique
Verlag: Librairie le François, Paris
[Rei40] Reich, Annie, 1940
A Contribution to the Psychoanalysis of Extreme Submissiveness in Woman
Erschienen in: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Bd. 9, 1940, S. 470-480
[Rei40a] Reik, Theodor, 1940
Aus Leiden Freuden
Verlag: Imago, London
[Rei41] Reik, Theodor, 1941
Masochism in Modern Man
Verlag: Farrar & Rinehart, New York
Anmerkungen:  Englische Übersetzung von → Rei40 durch Margaret H. Beigel und Gertrud M. Kurth.
[Rom49] Romm, May E., 1949
Some dynamics in fetishism
Erschienen in: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Bd. 18, 1949, S. 137-153
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Analysis of a patient with a hair-cutting fetishism involving his wife is interpreted in terms of an expression of strong homosexual feelings toward his father. Therapy resulted from directing his psychological energy away from his projective defenses toward constructive activity." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sad49] Sade, Marquis de (Hrsg.), 1949
L'Aigle, Mademoiselle: Lettres publiées pour la première fois sur les manuscrits autographes inédits
Verlag: Georges Artigues, Paris
Anmerkungen:  221 Seiten mit einem Vorwort und einem Kommentar von Gilbert Lély.
[Sco40] Scott, George Ryley, 1949
The History of Torture Throughout the Ages
Verlag: Laurie, London
[Spi49] Spirek, Alfred, 1949 (Dissertationsschrift)
"Das Vermächtnis Kains" von Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Institut: FEHLT, Wien
Anmerkungen:  222 maschinenschriftliche Seiten
[Thu45] Thürlimann, Rochus, 1945 (Dissertationsschrift)
Über die Indikation und den therapeutischen Erfolg der Kastration bei sexuell Perversen
Institut: Universität Zürich
Anmerkungen:  57 Seiten
Kurzbeschreibung:  In erster Linie Homosexualität; hier weder Sadomasochismus noch Fetischismus.
[WHO48] World Health Organization (Hrsg.), 1948
Manual of the international statistical classification of diseases, injuries and causes of death: sixth revision of the International lists of diseases and causes of death, adopted 1948 / compiled under the auspices of the World Health Organization
Verlag: WHO, Geneva
[Wul46] Wulff, M., 1946
Fetishism and Object Choice in Early Childhood
Erschienen in: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Bd. 15, 1946, S. 450-471
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Clinical case material is cited to demonstrate that fetishism is not uncommon in childhood, that the fetish represents a substitute for the mother's breast and that its psychological structure differs from that of the fetishism of the adult."

Zahl: 57

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