
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted by author: V

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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[Vad95] Vadas, Melinda, 1995
Reply to Patrick Hopkins
In: Hypatia, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1995, pp. 159-191
[VJ89] Vale, V. / Juno, Andrea (ed.), 1989
Modern Primitives
Publisher: Re/Search Publications, San Francisco
[Val78] Vallejo, Boris, 1978
The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo
Publisher: Ballantine Books
[Val81] Valles, Gérard, 1981
Le Sadomasochisme
In: Cahiers de Sexologie Clinique, Vol. 7, No. 42, 1981, pp. 341-350
Language: French
[Val85] Valverde, Mariana, 1985
Sex, Power and Pleasure
Publisher: The Women's Press, Toronto
[Val89] Valverde, Mariana, 1989
Sex, Macht und Lust Series: Die Frau in der Gesellschaft,
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Val85.
[Vel26] van de Velde, Theodoor Hendrik, 1926
Die vollkommene Ehe: Eine Studie über ihre Physiologie und Technik
1st edition
Publisher: Benno Konegen, Leipzig und Stuttgart
Language: German
[Dij82] van Dijk, M., 1982
Exposé van Sexuele Scripts van Zestien Homoseksuele Mannen
Utrecht: Sectie Sexuologie, Instituut voor Klinische Psychologie en Persoonlijkheidsleer (IKPP), skriptie
Language: Dutch
[Hel70] van Heller, Marcus, 1970
Die Herrin mit der Peitsche
Publisher: Olympia Press, Darmstadt
Language: German
[Lie95] van Lieshout, M., 1995
Leather nights in the woods: homosexual encounters in a Dutch highway rest area
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1995, pp. 19-39
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Lun92] van Lunsen, Rik H.W., 1992
Autoerotic Asphyxia (AEA): treatment of practitioners
in: Bezemer, W. et al. (ed.): Sex Matters, pp. 317-320
[ND+86] van Naerssen, A.X. / van Dijk, Mart / Hoogeveen, Geert / Visser, Dick / van Zessen, Gertjan, 1986
Gay SM in Pornography and Reality
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 13, No. 2-3, 1986, pp. 111-119
Abstract:  "A picture of SM interactions as depicted by pornographical issues of SM between 1974 and 1983 is presented by means of a correlational study of pornography. Actual SM scenarios are then compared with the depiction in magazines. The changes that have occurred over more than a decade reflected changes in the nature of violence and sexuality."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Rav90] van Ravensberg, Frank (ed.), 1990
20 Jaar VSSM - Tijdsbeeld van een vereniging
Uitgave VSSM
Notes:  49 pages with photographs
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[RM64] van Renynghe de Voxvrie, G. / Massion-Verniory, L., 1964
A propos d'un cas de cleptolagnie de caractère homophilique
In: Acta Neurologica et Psychiatrica Belgica, Vol. 64, No. 7, 1964, pp. 753-762
Language: French
Abstract:  "A case of kleptolagnia is reported. This relatively rare observation differs from kleptomania by the fact that the impulse to steal is associated with erotic fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Vor85] van Vorsselen, L., 1985
Liefhebbers van SM en fascisme
in: Kolpa, R. et al. (ed.): Fascisme en homoseksualiteit, pp. 155-167
Publisher: SUA / De Woelrat, Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
[VK64] Vanden Berg, Richard L. / Kelly, John F., 1964
Vampirism: a Review with New Observations
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 11, 1964, pp. 543-547
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Van89] Vanderkolk, B.A., 1989
The Compulsion to Repeat the Trauma - Reenactment, Revictimization, and Masochism
In: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1989, pp. 389-411
[Var98] Varrin, Claudia, 1998
The Art of Sensual Female Dominance: A Guide for Women
Publisher: Citadel Press, Secaucus
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ver78] Verch, Klaus, 1978
Außergewöhnliches Sexualverhalten
in: (ed.): Lehrmappe Sexualerziehung, 3rd edition, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Richarz, St. Augustin
Language: German
[Ver03] Veriphantor (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1903
Der Sadismus. Ein Beitrag zur Sittengeschichte unserer Zeit. Series: Zur Psychologie unserer Zeit, Vol. 2
Publisher: Lilienthal, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  29 pages
[Ver03a] Veriphantor (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1903
Der Masochismus. Ein Beitrag zur Sittengeschichte unserer Zeit. Series: Zur Psychologie unserer Zeit, Vol. 3
Publisher: Lilienthal, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  37 pages. Also published in → Far03, pp. 78-101.
[Ver03b] Veriphantor (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1903
Der Flagellantismus. Series: Zur Psychologie unserer Zeit, Vol. 1
Publisher: Lilienthal, Berlin
Language: German
[Ver92] Vermorel, Henri, 1992
Fetischisme masculin et anorexie mentale feminine: Reflexions d'àpres congres sur le rapport de Massimo Tomassini
(Male fetishism and female anorexia nervosa: Post-congress reflections on Massimo Tomassini's report)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 1715-1719
Language: French
Abstract:  "Argues that anorexia nervosa in women is the equivalent of fetishism in men. Both pathologies share traumatic experiences of separation and loss in childhood, including actual or emotional abandonment by a dysfunctional mother, among other psychopathogenic life events. The fetishism described in parallel with anorexia-bulimia include suicidal tendencies in its sufferers, whose disregard of all psychic boundaries is similar to the game of Russian roulette in its contempt for the interests of self-preservation. The psychotherapy of anorexia nervosa must, therefore, contain elements of the psychotherapy of psychoses." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ver99] Verplaetse, J., 1999
Vrouwenpijn en mannenplezier: de antifeministische wortels van sadomasochisme in de Belle Epoque
In: Ethiek en maatschappij, Vol. 2-3, 1999, pp. 29-78
Language: Dutch
[Ver04] Verus, Dr., 1904
Kinderprügeln und Sexualtrieb
Publisher: Walther Rohmann Verlag, Leipzig
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Vic00] Vice, D., 2000
Letter from Tokyo: Wild Dancer
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 55, 2000, pp. 76-77
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Vic80] Victor, J., 1980
Human Sexuality: A Social Psychological Approach
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
[Vil68] Villeneuve, Roland, 1968
Grausamkeit und Sexualität. Sadistisch-flagellantische, pathologische, gesellschaftlich-machtpolitische und religiöse Hintergründe der Leibes- und Todesstrafen, Hinrichtungsarten, Martern und Qualen bis in die Gegenwart in Wort und Bild.
Publisher: Decker, Wiesbaden
Language: German
[Vil97] Villers, Charles, 1797
Lettre sur le Roman intitulé Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu
in: (ed.): Spectateur du Nord Vol. IV, pp. ?-?
Language: French
[Vil00] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington), 1900
Curiosités et anecdotes sur la flagellation: La cour martiale de miss Fanny Hayward
Publisher: Librairie des bibliophiles, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XX/434 pages
[Vil01] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington), 1901
Étude sur la flagellation à travers le monde aux points de vue historique, médical, religieux, domestique et conjugal avec un exposé documentaire de la flagellation dans les écoles anglaises et les prisons militaires
2nd enlarged edition
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XXIV/646 pages
[Vil08] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington), 1908 oder 1909
Erlebte Flagellationen oder die kuriose Geschichte einer Ehe
Publisher: Hermann Wolf, Brünn
Language: German
Notes:  97 pages, probably translated from French.
[Vil99] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington), 1899
Étude sur la flagellation à travers le monde aux points de vue historique, médical, religieux, domestique et conjugal avec un exposé documentaire de la flagellation dans les écoles anglaises et les prisons militaires
1st edition
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
[Vil01a] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1901
Les mystères de la maison de la Verveine, ou Miss Bellasis fouettée pour vol, tableau de l'éducation des jeunes Anglaises, adapté de l'anglais par Jean de Villiot
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  VIII/156 pages with illustrations by Adolphe Lambrecht. Probably translation of → Eto82.
[Vil01b] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1901
Une société de flagellantes, réminiscences et révélations d'une soubrette de grande maison par Marguerite Anson; adapté de l'anglais par Jean de Villiot.
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XVI/280 pages with illustrations by Adolphe Lambrecht. Probably translation of → Ans68.
[Vil01c] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1901
En Virginie, épisode de la Guerre de sécession, précédé d'une étude sur l'esclavage et les punitions corporelles en Amérique
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
[Vil02] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1902
Les Anglaises chez elles. Le Magnétisme du fouet, ou les indiscrétions de miss Darcy, traduit de l'anglais par Jean de Villiot
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  284 pages, probably translation of → Ano66.
[Vil02a] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1902
Sous le fouet. La femme et son maître.
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
[Vil03] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1903
Whipped women. The confessor. Procured by a whipping. Victims of love. Daughters to marry. The colonel and his cook.
Publisher: impr. de Vve Folguy, Alençon
[Vin03] Vinken, Barbara, 2003
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 262-272
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Vir08] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1908
La Flagellation des esclaves aux États-Unis. Corrections féminines, souvenirs d'un médecin français.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  268 pages
[Vir08a] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1908
La Flagellation des femmes en Espagne. Sous le fouet de l'Inquisition, épisodes de la guerre de l'Indépendance.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  278 pages
[Vir08b] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1908
La Flagellation des femmes en Pologne. Par le knout, une idylle policière en Pologne.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  284 pages
[Vir08c] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1908
Maître et esclave: la flagellation des femmes à Rome sous Néron ...
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
[Vir09] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1909
Flagellées. La flagellation des femmes dans la Rome antique.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  269 pages
[Vir09a] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1909
Gitanes flagellantes (moeurs de romanichels)
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  269 pages
[Vir09b] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1909
Martyrisées (épisode de l'insurrection des Boxeurs, 1900)
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  269 pages
[Vir09c] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1909
Le Triomphe du fouet, conte scientifique.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  291 pages
[Vir10] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1910
Esclaves modernes. La traite et la flagellation des blanches dans le Sud-Afrique.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  299 pages.
[Vir10a] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1910
Parisiennes flagellées. (Chez les brigands siciliens.)
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  308 pages
[Vir11] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1911
Inquisiteurs vénézuéliens. Le martyre d'une jeune fille.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  240 pages
[Vir19] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1919
Sabina, esclavage et martyre de vierges romaines
Publisher: Librairie franco-anglaise, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  253 pages
[Vir02] Virmaitre, Charles, 1902
Les Flagellants et les Flagellés de Paris
Publisher: Carrington, Paris
Language: French
[Vis81] Visser, D., 1981 (Doctoral thesis)
Sado-masochisme: een teveel betekenend woord
School: Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Utrecht
Language: Dutch
[Vis83] Visser, D., 1983
Vormen van Sado-Masochisme: onderzoeksresultaten. Deel I.
Publisher: Instituut voor Klinische Psychologie en Persoonlijkheidsleer (IKPP), Utrecht
Language: Dutch
[Vis85] Visser, D., 1985
Interviews met sadomasochistische mannen en vrouwen. Onderzoeksresultaten, Deel II.
Publisher: Instituut voor Klinische Psychologie en Persoonlijkheidsleer (IKPP), Utrecht
Language: Dutch
[Vis86] Visser, D., 1986
Med minder genoegen nemen. Aspecten van sado-masochisme.
Publisher: Anthos, Baarn
Language: Dutch
[Vla77] Vlatkovic-Prpic, Milica, 1977
(Aberrations in sexual development)
In: Psihijatrija Danas, Vol. 9, No. 2-3, 1977, pp. 251-256
Language: Serbocroatian
Abstract:  "The psychosexual development of the child is determined by complex interactions of biological and psychological factors. Deviant sexual development is difficult to recognize before puberty, since it is only during puberty that sexual preferences begin to be defined. Polymorphously perverse tendencies can be noticed in childhood. At certain stages of childhood, behavior reminiscent of certain perversions can be observed. Such behavior is a result of stage-specific conflicts and of transitional fixations. The influence of this behavior on the development of the personality allows an insight into its pathological significance. Transsexual behavior can sometimes be noticed in early childhood as a symptom of cross-sexual identification. Only in approaching puberty can perversions be detected. One case of fetishism and another of trichotillomania are presented. This is also considered as a symptom of unconscious conflicts in sexual development." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Von32] Vondráček, Vladimír, 1932
Pripad fetišismu
(A case of fetishism)
In: Revue v Neurologii a Psychiatrii, Vol. 29, 1932, pp. 20-22
Language: Czech
Abstract:  "A description of an interesting case of fetishism in a young man of 18." (APA/PsycINFO)
[VBS84] Voth, H.M. / Benedek, E. / Shainess, N., 1984
Is there a relationship between pornography and sexual violence?
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 18, No. 8, 1984, pp. 62-74

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