
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted by key: B

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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Last change: 20.09.2004

[Bej84] Béjin, A., 1984
Niedergang der Psychoanalytiker, Aufstieg der Sexologen
in: Ariès, Ph. u.a. (ed.): Die Masken des Begehrens und die Metamorphosen der Sinnlichkeit - Zur Geschichte der Sexualität im Abendland, pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING, Frankfurt/Main
Language: German
[Boe84] Böhme, H., 1984
"Beim Glockenschlag des Wahnsinns schlagen die Stunden der Venus" - Marquis de Sade
in: Knödler-Bunte, E. / Ziehe, T. (ed.): Der sexuelle Körper: ausgeträumt?, pp. 183-198
Publisher: Ästhetik und Kommunikation, Berlin
Language: German
[Boe02] Böhme, Hartmut, 2002
Bildung, Fetischismus und Vertraglichkeit in Leopold von Sacher-Masochs Venus im Pelz
in: Spörk, Ingrid und Strohmaier, Alexandra (ed.): Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, pp. 11-40
Publisher: Literaturverlag Droschl, Graz
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Boe00] Böllinger, Lorenz, 2000
Sexualität und Strafrecht
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 2, 2000, pp. 139-?
Language: German
[BDB14] Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (ed.), 1914
Verzeichnis der verbotenen Bücher und Zeitschriften: 1903 bis Ende März 1914.
Publisher: Verlag des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  78 pages
[Boe00a] Börstling, Robert, 2000
Wetlook paraphilia - aspects of a sexual variation
EFS-Congress, Berlin, July 01, 2000.
[BB] Böse Buben (various authors), ca. 1995-2002
Böse Buben
Notes:  Archived issue: No. 13.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Boe03] Böttcher, Irena, 2003
Sicherheitsbrevier: Bondageverträge
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 67, 2003, pp. 58-59
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Boe03a] Böttcher, Irena, 2003
Pornografie, Gewaltpornografie und Gewaltverherrlichung. Ein Leitfaden.
[Bue96] Büchner, Barbara, 1996
Blut und Rosen. Erotische Schauergeschichten.
Publisher: Charon, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  167 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BAG53] Bürger-Prinz, Hans / Albrecht, H. / Giese, Hans, 1953
Zur Phänomenologie des Transvestitismus bei Männern
In: Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Vol. 3, 1953, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Bue00] Büsser, Martin, 2000
Fetisch Park. Im Gespräch mit Carla Subito und Marlon Shy.
In: Testcard. Beiträge zur Popgeschichte, Vol. 8, 2000, pp. 98-105
Language: German
[Bac81] Bach, Charlotte M., ohne Jahr, ca. 1981
An Outline of Human Ethology: extracts from an unpublished work by Charlotte M. Bach edited by Bob Mellors. Interviewing Sexual Deviants 3
Publisher: Another Orbit Press, London
Notes:  11 pages
[Bac91] Bach, Sheldon, 1991
On sadomasochistic object relations
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 75-92
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
Abstract:  From the chapter: "[a psychoanalytic exploration] of the more ubiquitous perversions of everyday life in which the individual, rather than using a fetish or fantasy as a prosthesis to replace a missing part of his ego, uses instead a mode of relating that one of my patients called a 'technical' relationship, one that falls under the more general heading of sadomasochistic object relations.
Such sadomasochistic relations may or may not include actual perversions, but they always include sadomasochistic fantasies, which may be conscious or deeply unconscious / they cover a continuum of nosologies from the neurotic through the psychotic, but I [the author] believe they are developmentally related to the sexual perversions because, like them, they arise as a defense against and an attempt to repair some traumatic loss that has not been adequately mourned / in this view, sadomasochistic relations are seen as a kind of denied or pathological mourning, a repetitive attempt to disclaim the loss or to repair it in fantasy, but an attempt that does not lead to resolution because in some dissociated part of the psyche that loss remains disavowed."

[Bac94] Bach, Sheldon, 1994
The Language of Perversion and the Language of Love Series: The Library of Clinical Psychoanalysis,
Publisher: Aronson, Northvale, NJ et al.
[Bac97] Bach, Sheldon, 1997
Resolving the Sadomasochistic Dichotomy
In: Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1997, pp. 65-77
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bac61] Bachem, Bele (i.e. Renate Gabriele Böhmer), 1961
Anbetung des Korsetts
Publisher: Fackelträger, Hannover
Language: German
[Bac72] Bacher, Ulli, 1972
Hiebe aus Liebe in Österreich: 8 flagellantische Storys mit Bild-Dokumentationen Series: Hiebe aus Liebe, Vol. 3
Publisher: Isabella-Verlag, München
Language: German
Notes:  75 pages with illustrations
[Bac10] Back, Georg (i.e. Georg Merzbach), 1910
Sexuelle Verirrungen des Menschens und der Natur. Großes illustriertes Sammelwerk über die krankhaften Erscheinungen des Geschlechtstriebes beim Menschen, das echte und das Schein-Zwittertum und andere rätselhaften Erscheinungen der Natur auf sexuellem Gebiete.
3rd and 4th edition
Publisher: Standard Verlag John Pohl GmbH, Berlin
Language: German
[Bad76] Bader, A., 1976
Über moderne weibliche Leitbilder und ihre Beziehungen zum Fetischismus
(Observations on modern images of womanhood and their relationships to fetishism)
In: Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, Vol. 119, No. 1, 1976, pp. 49-72
Language: German
Abstract:  "Maintains that (a) the accepted image of womanhood has changed from the corseted lady at the beginning of the 20th century to the emancipated and booted woman of today, (b) the dictates of fashion in clothing correspond to unconscious wishes nurtured by men, and (c) current fashion trends enable latent fetishist tendencies to work themselves out within the social framework and are directed at creating the 'phallic woman'. The boot and leather fetishism masquerading under the guise of a fashionable trend sheds light on unconscious sexual behavior in the male, the underlying psychodynamics of which are further illuminated by the 'private' model of rubber fetishism. Similar arguments apply to the current wave of transvestism and pseudotransvestism. An analysis of certain comic strips and TV series illustrates such tendencies. Both decorative art and the pop show business are showing signs of a trend toward an exchange of roles between the sexes, and an ambisexual image which is valid for both sexes is now emerging." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bad93] Bader, Michael, 1993
Adaptive sadomasochism and psychological growth
In: Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993, pp. 279-300
[Bad93a] Bader, Michael, 1993
Adaptive Sadomasochism and Psychological Growth: Reply
In: Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993, pp. 309-313
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bad03] Badezet, Ghyslaine, 2003
Pierre Molinier. Meister der Ekstase.
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 238-252
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bag41] Baggally, W., 1941
Hedonic Conflict and the Pleasure Principle
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 22, No. 3-4, 1941, pp. 280-300
[Bah92] Bahnen, Peter, 1992
Zur Sozialgeschichte des Sadomasochismus
(The social history of sadomasochism)
In: Schwulenreferat im ASTA / FU Berlin: Homosexualität und Wissenschaft II, pp. 11-26
Publisher: Verlag Rosa Winkel, Berlin
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[BU88] Baik, Sung-ook / Uku, Justin M., 1988
Ligature Strangulation of a Woman during Sadomasochistic Sexual Activity
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1988, pp. 249-251
[Bai91] Bailey, K.G., 1991
Human paleopsychopathology: Implications for the paraphilias
In: New Trends in Experimental and Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1991, pp. 5-16
Abstract:  "Introduces the concept of paleopsychopathology and applies it to a reconceptualization of the paraphilias. The model suggests that the paraphilias are basically disorders of phylogenetic maleness where high sex drive and other aspects of male primate sexuality are displaced, 'malimprinted,' or disinhibited in socially proscribed ways. Specific disorders discussed are voyeurism, exhibitionism, pedophilia, and fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bak53] Bak, Robert C., 1953
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 1, 1953, pp. 285-294
Abstract:  "Fetishists show weakness of ego structure, inordinate separation anxiety, erotization of the hands, pregenital fixations, and simultaneous and alternating identification with the phallic and penisless mother." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bak56] Bak, Robert C., 1956
The Problem of Masochism in the Theory and Technique of Psychoanalysis
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 4, 1956, pp. 526-538
[Bak68] Bak, Robert C., 1968
The Phallic Woman: The Ubiquitous Fantasy in Perversion
In: Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 23, 1968, pp. 15-36
[Bak71] Bak, Robert C., 1971
Object-Relationship in Schizophrenia and Perversion
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 52, 1971, pp. 235-?
[Bak74] Bak, Robert C., 1974
Distortions of the concept of fetishism
In: Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 29, No. 19, 1974, pp. 1-214
Abstract:  "Reviews the literature on fetishism and examines the role inanimate things play in the maturation of infant, child, adolescent, and adult perversions. Discrepancies in the use of key concepts are noted. The differentiation between the phase-specific quality of fetishes and the use of inanimate things and their changing functions are also discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bak94] Baker, Ronald, 1994
Psychoanalysis as a lifeline: A clinical study of a transference perversion
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 75, No. 4, 1994, pp. 743-753
Language: English with French, German and Spanish abstracts
Abstract:  "Discusses the analysis of a 29-yr-old male fetishistic cross-dresser (who was in psychoanalysis for 15 yrs) and the evolution of a transference perversion and treatment impasse in the form of anal flatulence as a recalcitrant symptom. The S's contrasting needs to cling perversely and addictively to the analyst and to provoke an acting out of the countertransference are ascribed to his dread of rejection and potentially suicidal reaction. The author argues in favor of offering psychoanalysis as a lifeline, but with the condition that the psychoanalytic setting and boundaries are maintained and that gratifications are denied. The relatively good outcome is explained in terms of the provision of safety, survival of the analyst, and avoidance of countertransference acting out. This enabled the S to question and reject his idealization of the anal universe that he inhabited." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bak93] Bakos, Susan Crain, 1993
Sexual Obsessions
In: Ladies' Home Journal, Vol. 4, 1993, pp. 110-114
[Bak95] Bakos, Susan Crain, 1995
Kink: The Hidden Sex Lives of Americans
Publisher: St Martin's Press, New York
[Bak96] Bakos, Susan Crain, 1996
SM - Sex, Gewalt und Liebe
Publisher: Knaur, München
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bak95 by Anneli von Könemann.
[Bal23] Balamour, 1923
Liebesspiele: erotische Erzählung, teils Wahrheit, teils Dichtung
Publisher: Aphrodite, Prag
Language: German
[Bal93a] Baldazzini, Roberto, 1993
Publisher: Orawia Press, Bologna
[Bal93b] Baldazzini, Roberto, 1993
Kay's Souvenir
Publisher: Telemaco Comunicazioni, Bologna
[Bal93] Baldwin, Guy, 1993
Ties That Bind
Publisher: Daedalus, San Francisco
[Bal98a] Baldwin, Guy, 1998
The Old Guard: Classical Leather Culture Revisited
In: International Leatherman, Vol. 20, 1998, pp. ?-?
[Bal35] Balint, Michael, 1935
A Contribution on Fetishism
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 16, 1935, pp. 481-483
Abstract:  "From a case analysis the author reports that in addition to the interpretation as a penis substitute, a fetish may be a vagina or womb substitute, or that it may signify feces, since it is an object of small or no value transformed into a love object of high value." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bal37] Balint, Michael, 1937
Ein Beitrag zum Fetischismus
(A contribution on fetishism)
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 23, 1937, pp. 413-414
Language: German
Notes:  Probably German translation of → Bal35.
Abstract:  "A fetish object is always one of relatively slight intrinsic value which is given an exaggerated significance by reason of the personal complexes involved. Usually it is non-living, and most often is something which can either be worn or into which some part of the body can be put. These characteristics connect fetishism with kleptomania and transvestitism. In the former intrinsically worthless objects are imbued with great value, while in the latter the accent is placed on the urge to dress in the clothes of the opposite sex." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bal66] Balint, Michael, 1966
Perversion und Genitalität
in: Balint, M. (ed.): Die Urformen der Liebe und die Technik der Psychoanalyse, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Huber et al., Bern et al.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Primary Love and Psycho-Analytic Technique"
[Bal68] Ball, J.R., 1968
A case of hair fetishism, transvestitism, and organic cerebral disorder
In: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol. 44, No. 3, 1968, pp. 249-254
Abstract:  "Describes a 46-yr-old man with a history of early organic impairment and life-long persistance of a minor degree of neurological disability. He also developed abnormal sexual behavior which proved resistive to psychiatric treatment for many yr. This behavior was eventually relieved by sedation and antidepressant medication followed by the application of behavior therapy. Although initially very disturbing, his marriage may ultimately have been an important therapeutic factor. Following this he remained asymptomatic until, coincidental with neurological impairment and epilepsy due to cerebral neoplasm, his deviant sexual interests returned." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bal00] Balon, R., 2000
Lithium for paraphilias? Probably not.
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2000, pp. 361-363
[Bal98] Balon, R., 1998
Pharmacological treatment of paraphilias with a focus on antidepressants
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 24, No. 4, 1998, pp. 241-254
[Bal97a] Baltazar, Katherine K., 1997
The phenomena of police fantasies, leg fetish, and father identification in a homosexual male
In: Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1997, pp. 25-30
Abstract:  "Examined the relationship of police fantasies and leg fetish to identification with the father in a 58-yr-old homosexual male. It is important to decode current behavior in light of theory and past history, to help clients move from potentially destructive behavior to satisfying interpersonal interactions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bal97] Balyk, E.D., 1997
Paraphilias as a Subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Hypothetical Bio-Social Model
In: Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1997, pp. 29-42
[Bam94] Bamforth, N., 1994
Sado-Masochism and Consent
In: Criminal Law Review, Vol. ?, 1994, pp. 661-664
[Ban42] Banay, Ralph S., 1942
Apparent Recovery of a Sex Psychopath After Lobotomy
In: Journal of Criminal Psychopathology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1942, pp. 59-66
[Ban71] Bancroft, J.H.J., 1971
The Application of Psychophysical Measures to the Assessment and Modification of Sexual Behaviour
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 9, 1971, pp. 119-130
[Ban74] Bancroft, John, 1974
Deviant Sexual Behaviour - Modification and Assessment
Publisher: Clarendon Press, Oxford
[Ban85] Bancroft, John, 1985
Grundlagen und Probleme menschlicher Sexualität
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Human Sexuality and its Problems" by Bernhard Strauß with a foreword by Gunter Schmidt.
[Ban89] Bancroft, John, 1989
Human Sexuality and Its Problems
2nd edition
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone, London
Abstract:  Contains: "The concept of sexual deviance", "Fetishism", "Sadomasochism", "The polymorphous perverse" etc.
[Ban91] Bancroft, John, 1991
Die Zweischneidigkeit der Medikalisierung männlicher Sexualität
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 4, 1991, pp. 294-?
Language: German
[Ban97] Bancroft, John (ed.), 1997
Researching Sexual Behavior
Publisher: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN
[Ban95] Bane, Bob, 1995
Project Anime
In: Animania, Vol. 6, 1995, pp. 72
[Ban03] Bang, KarinMetscher, Thomas (ed.), 2003
Aimez-Moi! Eine Studie über Leopold von Sacher-Masochs Masochismus Series: Bremer Beiträge zur Literatur- und Ideengeschichte,
Publisher: Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt/Main
Language: German
[Ban97a] Bang, Karin, 1997
Venus im Pelz? Über Wanda von Sacher-Masochs Erinnerungen
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 3, 1997, pp. 253-?
Language: German
[Ban92] Bannon, Race, 1992
Learning the Ropes: A Basic Guide to Safe and Fun S/M Lovemaking
Publisher: Daedalus, Los Angeles
[Bar82] Bar On, Bat-Ami, 1982
Feminism and Sadomasochism: Selfcritical Notes
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[BB83a] Barande, Ilse / Barande, Robert, 1983
Antinomies du concept de perversion et paradoxes de son usage dans la pratique et la theorie psychanalytiques: De la fonction fétiche du concept de perversion a la condition "phobo-perverse" et serve de la libido
(Antinomies in the concept of perversion, and the paradoxical applications of it in psychoanalytic theory and practice: The fetishist aspect of the concept of perversion in the "phobo-perverse" condition of the libido)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 169-282
Language: French
Abstract:  "Analyzes the contradictions inherent in the concept of perversion with respect to countertransference and the role of drives and the object. Contradictions in theory and practice are considered in relation to methodology and metapsychology. The process by which excitation is generated is discussed in terms of insights from animal and human ethology. The need for submission and servitude, the 'libidinal economy,' and considerations from political anthropology are also reviewed. The 'avatars of the appetite of excitation' in the analytic relationship are discussed in relation to memories of inachievement." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bar74a] Barbara, Dominick A., 1974
Masochism in Love and Sex
In: American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1974, pp. 73-79
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bar70] Barclay, A.M., 1970
The effect of female aggressiveness on aggressive and sexual fantasies
In: Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment, Vol. , No. 34, 1970, pp. 19-26
[Bar73] Barclay, A.M., 1973
Sexual fantasies in men and women
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 7, 1973, pp. 205-216
[BH65] Barclay, A.M. / Haber, R.N., 1965
The relation of aggression to sexual motivation
In: Journal of Personality, Vol. , No. 33, 1965, pp. 462-475
[Bar81] Barker, V., 1981
Dangerous shoes, or what's a nice dyke like me doing in a get-up like this?
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, pp. 101-104
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Bar74b] Barlow, David H., 1974
The treatment of sexual deviation: Towards a comprehensive behavioral approach
in: Calhoun, K.S. / Adams, H.E. / Mitchell, K.M. (ed.): Innovative Treatment Methods in Psychopathology, pp. ?-?
Publisher: John Wiley, New York
[BA76] Barlow, David H. / Abel, G.G., 1976
Recent developments in assessment and treatment of sexual deviation
in: Craighead, W.E. / Kazdin, A.E. / Mahoney, M.J. (ed.): Behavior modification: Principles, issues, and applications, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin, Boston
[BLA69] Barlow, David H. / Leitenberg, H. / Agras, W.S., 1969
The experimental control of sexual deviation through manipulation of the noxious scene in covert sensitization
In: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 74, 1969, pp. 596-601
[BW00] Barlow, David H. / Wincze, John P., 2000
Treatment of Sexual Deviations
in: Leiblum, Sandra R. / Rosen, Raymond C. (ed.): Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy, pp. 347-376
Publisher: Guilford Press, New York / London
[Bar94] Barnard, Ian, 1994
Macho sluts: Genre-fuck, S/M fantasy, and the reconfiguration of political action
in: Kibbey, Ann et al. (ed.): Sexual artifice: Persons, images, politics, pp. ?-?
Publisher: New York University Press, New York, London
[Bar00] Barron, Martin, 2000
Sexual Violence in Three Pornographic Media: Toward a Sociological Explanation (Statistical Data Included)
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2000, pp. 161-168
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bar79] Barry, Kathleen, 1979
Female Sexual Slavery
Publisher: Prentice-Hall
[Bar82a] Barry, Kathleen, 1982
On the History of Cultural Sadism
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Bar70a] Barthes, Roland, 1970
Sade, Fourier, Loyola
Publisher: Editions du Seuil, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  191 pages
[Bar74] Barthes, Roland, 1974
Sade - Fourier - Loyola
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bar70a.
[Bar88] Barthes, Roland et al., 1988
Das Denken des Marquis de Sade
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Bar69] Bartholinus, Thomas (ed.), 1669
Thomae Bartholini, Joan. Henrici Meibomi, patris, Henrici Meibomi, filii, De usu flagrorum in re medica & veneria lumborumque & renum officio
Publisher: probably D. Paulli, Frankfurt
Language: Latin
[Bar73a] Bartholomew, Allen A., 1973
Two features occasionally associated with intravenous drug users: A note
In: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1973, pp. 206-207
Abstract:  "In a population of drug dependent 19-25 yr old males who administered their drugs iv, 2 features were occasionally noted: autohemofetishism and injection masochism. These 2 features are considered to be brought about on the basis of classical conditioning." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bar84] Bartky, Sandra L., 1984
Feminine Masochism and the Politics of Personal Transformation
In: Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1984, pp. 323-334
[Bar82b] Bartosch, Erwin, 1982
Das narzißtische Negativ: Strafbedürfnis, Sadismus, Schuld- und Unwertgefühl als ich-psychologisches Problem Series: Materialien zur Psychoanalyse und analytisch orientierten Psychotherapie, Vol. 8
Publisher: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen et al.
Language: German
[Bar93] Bartosch, Erwin, 1993
Die Verschränkung von Religion und Sadomasochismus aus der Sicht der Selbstpsychologie
In: Psychotherapie Forum, Vol. 1, 1993, pp. 147-157
Language: German
[BS68] Bartova, D. / Sahanek, O., 1968
(A case of a fetishism-like motivated automutilation)
In: Československa Psychiatrie, Vol. 64, No. 3, 1968, pp. 183-186
Language: Czech
Abstract:  "Describes a male patient, with a long-standing fetishism of female breasts, who developed gynecomastia by means of an instrument he designed. Ethiopathogenesis (after brain trauma), diagnostic classification, and therapy are discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BT66] Basquin, M. / Trystram, D., 1966
(Exhibitionism in the adolescent)
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1966, pp. 534
Language: French
Abstract:  "Exhibitionism in 4 adolescents was found to represent a global sexual disturbance unlike adult exhibitionism, and was not considered to be a perverse isolated nucleus. Analysis indicates it is a result of loneliness, impulsiveness, ignorance of sexual reality, and a rigid family environment. (This report was presented at the Societé de psychopathologie et d'hygiene mentale de Dakar meeting on April 5, 1966.)" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bas65] Bassermann, Lujo, 1965
Das älteste Gewerbe: Eine Kulturgeschichte
Publisher: Econ, Wien
Language: German
[Bat55] Bataille, Diane (anonym erschienen), 1955
The Whip Angels
Publisher: Olympia Press, Paris
[Bat75] Bates, Dorothy, 1975
Sadomasochists Discuss Their Pleasure ... and Pain
In: Sexology, Vol. 42, No. 5, 1975, pp. 10-14, 44
[Bau02] Bau, Walter, 2002, 29.10.
Sado-Maso-Fans zogen in Skihütte vom Leder
In: Westfälische Rundschau, 2002, 29.10., pp. FEHLT
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bau97a] Baudelaire, Charles, 1997
Die Blumen des Bösen
9th edition
Publisher: dtv, München
Language: D, F
Notes:  514 pages
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bau85] Baudin, P., 1885
Fetichism and Fetich Worshippers
Publisher: Benziger Brothers, New York
[Bau63] Bauer, Fritz, 1963
Sexualstrafrecht heute
in: Bauer, Fritz / Bürger-Prinz, Hans / Giese, Hans / Jäger, Herbert (ed.): Sexualität und Verbrechen: Beiträge zur Strafrechtsreform, pp. ?-?
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[BB+63] Bauer, Fritz / Bürger-Prinz, Hans / Giese, Hans / Jäger, Herbert (ed.), 1963
Sexualität und Verbrechen: Beiträge zur Strafrechtsreform
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Bau01] Baumann, Anke, 2001
Ein Fest für Körper, Sinne und Geist: Porträt des Schriftstellers 'Fritz Walter'
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 56, 2001, pp. 28-29
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bau82] Baumeister, Roy F., 1982
A self-presentational view of social phenomena
In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 91, 1982, pp. 3-26
[Bau86] Baumeister, Roy F., 1986
Identity: Cultural change and the struggle for self
Publisher: Oxford University Press, New York
[Bau87] Baumeister, Roy F., 1987
How the self became a problem: A psychological review of historical research
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 52, 1987, pp. 163-176
[Bau88] Baumeister, Roy F., 1988
Masochism as Escape from Self
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 25, 1988, pp. 28-59
Abstract:  "Recent theoretical advances from social psychology, especially self-awareness theory and action identification theory, are here applied to masochism. It is possible to consider masochism as neither a form of self-destruction nor a derivative of sadism. Instead, masochism may be a means of escaping from high-level awareness of self as a symbolically mediated, temporally extended identity. Such awareness is replaced by focus on the immediate present and on bodily sensations, and sometimes by a low-level awareness of self as an object. Evidence is reviewed indicating that the principal features of masochism (pain, bondage, and humiliation) help accomplish this hypothesized escape from high-level self-awareness. Historical evidence suggests that sexual masochism proliferated when Western culture became highly individualistic. This could mean that cultural emphasis on the autonomous, individual self increased the burdensome pressure of selfhood, leading to greater desires to escape from self masochistically."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Bau88a] Baumeister, Roy F., 1988
Gender Differences in Masochistic Scripts
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 25, 1988, pp. 478-499
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bau88b] Baumeister, Roy F., 1988
Self-defeating behavior patterns among normal individuals: Review and analysis of common self-destructive tendencies
In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 104, 1988, pp. 3-22
[Bau89] Baumeister, Roy F., 1989
Masochism and the Self
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bau91] Baumeister, Roy F., 1991
Escaping the Self: Alcoholism, Spirituality, Masochism
Publisher: Harper Collins, New York
Notes:  268 pages, masochism on pp. 115-138.
[Bau97] Baumeister, Roy F., 1997
The Enigmatic Appeal of Sexual Masochism: Why People Desire Pain, Bondage and Humiliation in Sex
In: Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1997, pp. 133-150
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[BB97] Baumeister, Roy F. / Butler, Jennifer L., 1997
Sexual Masochism: Deviance without Pathology
in: Laws, Donald Richard / O'Donohue, William (ed.): Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Publications, New York
[BS97] Baumeister, Roy F. / Schütz, Astrid, 1997
Das tragische Paradoxon selbstschädigenden Verhaltens: Mythos und Realität
In: Psychologische Rundschau, Vol. 48, 1997, pp. 67-83
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[BSH02] Baumgartner, J.V. / Scalora, M.J. / Huss, M.T., 2002
Assessment of the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire among child molesters and nonsexual forensic offenders
In: Sex Abuse, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2002, pp. 19-30
Abstract:  "The Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire (WSFQ; Wilson, 1978) is a 40-item self-report questionnaire that assesses 4 types of sexual fantasies: Exploratory, Intimate, Impersonal, and Sadomasochistic. The goal of the present study was to examine the differences between child molesters (n = 64) and nonsexual offenders (n = 41) on the WSFQ. Comparisons included the four underlying factors, 2 factors associated with the fantasizer's role in the fantasy (active vs. passive), and 2 items most closely related to sexual molestation behavior. Results found that molesters reported higher scores on the Exploratory and Intimate subscales, as well as overall fantasy. Scores on the Impersonal and Sadomasochistic subscales were not significantly different. Molesters also reported higher scores on fantasies where they were the actor, and higher scores on fantasies most closely related to sexual molestation behavior. Subsequent analyses found that both offender groups reported significantly lower levels of fantasies than college comparison subjects and noncriminal sexual deviants. Differences among the 2 study groups are discussed in terms of social and cognitive characteristics of molesters."
[Bau92] Baur, Eva Gesine / Schmid-Bode, Wilhelm, 1992
Was heißt hier pervers? Die Lust, sexuelle Phantasien auszuleben.
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[BL93] Bayer, Franz / Leonhardt, Karl Ludwig, 1993
Selten und gesucht: Bibliographien und ausgesuchte Nachschlagewerke zur erotischen Literatur
Publisher: Hiersemann, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Bay87] Bayer, Ronald, 1987
Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis
Publisher: Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey
Notes:  With a new Afterword on AIDS and Homosexuality. Revised version of the 1981 edition.
[BSB02] Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (ed.), 2002
Der 'Giftschrank': Erotik, Sexualwissenschaft, Politik und Literatur - 'REMOTA': Die weggesperrten Bücher der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek
Publisher: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
Language: German
Notes:  224 pages
[Bea65] Beach, Frank A. (ed.), 1965
Sex and Behavior
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York
Notes:  XVI/592 pages
[Bea76] Beach, Frank A. (ed.), 1976
Human Sexuality in Four Perspectives
Publisher: Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD
[Bea00] Bean, Joseph, 2000
Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
[Bea94] Bean, Joseph W., 1994
Leathersex: A Guide for the Curious Outsider and the Serious Player
Publisher: Daedalus, San Francisco
Abstract:  From the blurb: "Everyone wants a more interesting and fulfilling erotic life. With that in mind, this book was written to give guidance to one popular style of erotic play which the author calls 'leathersex' - sexuality that may include S/M, bondage, dominance, submission, fantasy, role playing, sensual physical stimulation, and fetish, to name just a few. The reader will find much wisdom between these covers about this often misunderstood form of erotic expression. If you are simply curious about leathersex, or if you already enjoy its pleasures but want to learn more, this book is for you."
[Bea96] Bean, Joseph W., 1996
Leathersex Q&A
Publisher: Daedalus, San Francisco
Abstract:  From the blurb: "Leathersex Q&A is a wealth of information about this special style of sexuality. Questions are answered concerning a wide range of topics including SM, bondage, relationships, safety, spirituality, history, and much more. The answers in this book are responses to actual letters sent to the author over several years of his career as a lecturer, columnist, and editor of a gay men's leather magazine. Each question is answered with the sensitivity and insight only someone with a vast amount of experience in this style of sexuality could provide. Although the questions were originally posed in a gay male forum, the answers are generally of use to any man or woman, regardless of orientation, who wishes to venture into the world of leathersex."
[BA00] Beaumont, Ed. de / Allison, Alfred, 1900
The Sword and Womankind: Being a study of the Influence of "The Queen of Weapons" upon the moral and social statute of women
Publisher: The Society of British Bibliophiles, Paris
Notes:  "Adapted from Ed. de Beaumont's "L'Epée et les Femmes" with additions and an index by Alfred Allison M.A., Oxon".
[Bea51] Beauvoir, Simone de, 1951
Faut-il bruler Sade?
In: Les Temps Modernes, Vol. ??, 1951, pp. ??
Language: French
[Bea64] Beauvoir, Simone de, 1964
Soll man de Sade verbrennen? Drei Essays zur Moral des Existenzialismus.
Publisher: MISSING, München
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Beb77] Bebbington, Paul E., 1977
Treatment of male sexual deviation by use of a vibrator: Case report
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1977, pp. 21-24
Abstract:  "Describes a new technique of enhancement of heterosexual responsiveness which uses a classical conditioning paradigm with heterosexual photographic material as the CS and erections elicited by a vibrator as the UCS. A case report of a 44-yr-old fetishist who was successfully treated in this manner is presented." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bec23] Bechterev, V.M., 1923
Die Perversitäten und Inversitäten vom Standpunkt der Reflexologie
In: Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, Vol. 68, 1923, pp. 100-?
Language: German
[Bec27] Bechterev, V.M., 1927
Über die Perversion und die Abweichungen des Geschlechtstriebes vom reflexologischen Standpunkt aus (Fortsetzung)
(Concerning the perversion and the abnormalities of the sex drive from the reflexological standpoint (Conclusion))
In: Psychologie und Medizin, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1927, pp. 233-253
Language: German
Abstract:  "Sexual perversions result from the fixation of an abnormal reflex under the influence of inadequate stimuli in the period when the sex instinct is first awakened. Bekhterev substantiates this hypothesis by case histories illustrating the origin of homosexuality, masochism, sadism, fetishism, and other sex perversions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bec63] Becker, Howard S., 1963
Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance
Publisher: The Free Press, London
[BS75] Becker, N. / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1975
in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 238-256
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[BS75a] Becker, N. / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1975
Die psychoanalytische Theorie sexueller Deviationen
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen, pp. 156-179
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, New York
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BS80] Becker, N. / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1980
Die psychoanalytische Theorie sexueller Perversionen
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, New York
Language: German
[BC00] Bee, Doesjka / Cay, Robin (ed.), 2000
Fetish Art
Publisher: Edition Stemmle, Zürich, New York
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bee00] Beetz, Andrea M., 2000
Human sexual contact with animals: New insights from current research
Vortrag beim "5th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology", Berlin, 29. Juni bis 2. Juli 2000
[BBS02] Behrendt, N. / Buhl, N. / Seidl, S., 2002
The lethal paraphiliac syndrome: accidental autoerotic deaths in four women and a review of the literature
In: International Journal of Legal Medicine, Vol. 116, No. 3, 2002, pp. 148-152
Abstract:  "Four previously unpublished cases of female asphyxiophilia are presented. All women were found immobilised by obviously self-tied ropes, string or handcuffs. The women, who were alone at the time of death, died of a lethal paraphilia. The autopsies revealed asphyxiation as the cause of death, caused in two cases by suffocation as a result of hanging and strangulation and in the other two cases by plastic bags placed over the individuals head. In one case there was additional evidence at the scene that the deceased had inhaled ether. In none of the four cases was there any indication that the asphyxiation was due to homicide or suicide. Thus they can be described as accidental autoerotic deaths (AAD). The four cases closely mirror findings from scenes of male AADs, although autoerotic practices are generally believed to be rarer among females than in males."
[BM95] Behrendt, Nille / Modvig, Jens, 1995
The Lethal Paraphiliac Syndrome: Accidental Autoerotic Deaths in Denmark 1933-1990
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1995, pp. 232-237
[BGL96] Behrendt, Sita / Grimme, Matthias T.J. / Linke, Heico (ed.), 1996
Böse Geschichten und schmutzige Fotos 3
Publisher: Charon, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  83 pages
[Bei00] Beier, Klaus M., 2000
Female analogies to perversion
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2000, pp. 79-93
Abstract:  "Unlike the intrapsychic mechanism for self-esteem regulation in males as a basic component of perversion - extrapsychically (compensationally) culminating in an output of sexual impulses - a functional stabilization of the female self-concept seems more likely if conflict drives were to be focused on reproductional aspects and not on sexuality. It therefore seems more suitable to use a new expression in linguistic analogy to perversion: 'reproversion.' The case history gives an example of a clinical manifestation of 'reproverse' symptom formation. The general survey describes the main points of view in regard to clinically oriented differentiation, i.e., intensity, ego-proximity in the personality structure, and one's own self-acceptance within 'reproverse' symptom formation. Underlying personality disturbances are also discussed. The significance of reproversion is relevant to many different specialized medical fields. This is explained in conclusion, using the examples of denied pregnancy and infanticide at birth based on initial empirical results."
[Bei94] Beier, Klaus M., 1994
Weiblichkeit und Perversion: Von der Reproduktion zur Reproversion
Publisher: Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart et al.
Language: German
[Bei96] Beier, Klaus M., 1996
Paraphilien nach dem DSM-IV
In: Sexuologie, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1996, pp. 155-165
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bei86] Beinstein, Krista, 1986
Obszöne Frauen
Publisher: Promedia, Wien
Language: German
Notes:  143 pages, with an essay by Monika Treut
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bei89] Beinstein, Krista, 1989
Im Rausch der Triebe. Erotische Frauen-Bild-Geschichten
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
Notes:  160 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bei92] Beinstein, Krista, 1992
Gewaltige Obsessionen - Mysterien sexueller Phantasie
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[Bei93] Beinstein, Krista, 1993
Rituale der Begierde
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[Bei95] Beinstein, Krista, 1995
Theater der Ekstase
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[Bei98] Beinstein, Krista, 1998
Kabinett Vagina Dentata
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[BWH81] Bell, Alan / Weinberg, M. / Hammersmith, S., 1981
Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women
Publisher: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana
[BWH91] Bell, Alan P. / Weinberg, Martin S. / Hammersmith, Sue K., 1991
Der Kinsey Institut Report über sexuelle Orientierung und Partnerwahl
Publisher: Bertelsmann, München
Language: German
[BTW91] Bell, Michael D. / Tate, Larry G. / Wright, Ronald K., 1991
Sexual Asphyxia in Siblings
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 77-79
[Bel91] Bellion, Regina, 1991
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[Bel94] Bellion, Regina, 1994
Marmor für Zattek
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[Bel84] Bellos, Linda, 1984
For lesbian sex, against sado-masochism
in: Kanter, Hannah / Lefanu, Sara / Shah, Shaila / Spedding, Carole (ed.): Sweeping statements: Writings from the women's liberation movement, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Women's Press, London
[Bel81] Bellwether, J., 1981
Love means never having to say oops: A lesbian's guide to s/m safety
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, pp. 69-79
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[BDS76] Bemporad, Jules R. / Dunton, H. Donald / Spady, Frieda H., 1976
The treatment of a child foot fetish
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1976, pp. 303-316
Abstract:  "Traces the course of a child foot fetishist from infancy to early adolescence. The role of parent pathology is noted as creating the symptom and in forcing the child to evolve specific defense mechanisms which were later maintained and served to avoid developmental tasks, resolve ambivalence, and preserve body integrity. The purpose of the symptom at varying stages of development is discussed as is the transformation from symptom to character trait in adolescence. This case history may help to clarify the role of infantile and childhood experience in the development of adult perversions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BS79] Benard, Cheryl / Schlaffer, Edit, 1979
Zur Logik des Sexismus: Männer - die "besseren" Masochisten
in: Albrecht-Désirat, Karin / Pacharzina, Klaus (ed.): Sexualität und Gewalt, pp. 63-?
Publisher: Päd.-Extra-Buchverlag, Bensheim
Language: German
[BS80a] Benard, Cheryl / Schlaffer, Edit, 1980
Männlicher Masochismus: Oder: Wie Man(n) noch als Sklave Herr bleibt
In: Psychologie Heute, Vol. 11, 1980, pp. 56-62
Language: German
[Ben80] Benjamin, Jessica, 1980
The Bonds of Love: Rational Violence and Erotic Domination
In: Feminist Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1980, pp. 144-174
[Ben83] Benjamin, Jessica, 1983
Master and Slave: The Fantasy of Erotic Domination
in: Snitow, Ann / Stansell, Christine / Thompson, Sharon (ed.): The Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality, pp. 280-299
Publisher: Monthly Review Press, New York
[Ben85] Benjamin, Jessica, 1985
Herrschaft - Knechtschaft: Die Phantasie von der erotischen Unterwerfung
in: Snitow, A. / Stansell, C. / Thompson, S. (ed.): Die Politik des Begehrens: Sexualität, Pornographie und neuer Puritanismus in den USA, pp. 89-117
Publisher: Rotbuch, Berlin
Language: German
[Ben85a] Benjamin, Jessica, 1985
Die Fesseln der Liebe: Zur Bedeutung der Unterwerfung in erotischen Beziehungen
In: Feministische Studien, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1985, pp. 10-33
Language: German
Notes:  Probably German translation of → Ben80.
[Ben88] Benjamin, Jessica, 1988
The Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and the Problem of Domination
Publisher: Pantheon, New York
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ben90] Benjamin, Jessica, 1990
Die Fesseln der Liebe: Psychoanalyse, Feminismus und das Problem der Macht
Publisher: Stroemfeld / Roter Stern, Basel, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ben88
[Ben92] Benjamin, Jessica, 1992
Die Entfremdung des Verlangens: Der Masochismus der Frauen und die ideale Liebe
in: Alpert, Judith (ed.): Psychoanalyse der Frau jenseits von Freud, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Springer, Berlin
Language: German
[Ber70] Berest, Joseph J., 1970
Report of a Case of Sadism
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1970, pp. 210-219
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ber71] Berest, Joseph J., 1971
Fetishism: Three case histories
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1971, pp. 237-239
Abstract:  "Discusses the fact that the fetishist only loves a part of the female and is unable to love her as a real person. The 3 fetishist case histories discussed include psychosexual infantilism, scoptophilia, and pygmalionism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ber86] Berg, Andre, 1986
Mademoiselle Sade
Publisher: Visual Books, Milano
[Ber56] Berg, Jean de (i.e. Catherine Robbe-Grillet), 1956
Publisher: Ed. de minuit, Paris
Language: French
[Ber56a] Berg, Jean de (i.e. Catherine Robbe-Grillet), ohne Jahr
Publisher: Gala, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ber56 by Xaver Manpalti. Censored in Germany.
[Ber95] Berg, Jean de (i.e. Catherine Robbe-Grillet), 1995
Das Bild
Publisher: Belleville, München
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ber56 with a foreword by Pauline Réage.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Berb] Berg, Jean de (i.e. Catherine Robbe-Grillet), ohne Jahr
Der Dorn im Fleisch
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ber56. Censored in Germany.
[Ber31] Berg, K., 1931
Der Sadist
In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin, Vol. 17, 1931, pp. 247-?
Language: German
[Ber95a] Berg, Robert de (i.e. Catherine Robbe-Grillet), 1995
Der Voyeur: Essays und Interviews
Publisher: Belleville, München
Language: German
[Ber63] Berg, Steffen, 1963
Das Sexualverbrechen: Erscheinungsformen und Kriminalistik der Sittlichkeitsdelikte
Publisher: Kriminalistik Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[Ber86a] Berg, Tormod, 1986
Narcissus: Herre/Knekt i Hverandres Speilbilde
In: Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1986, pp. 152-160
Language: Norwegian
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[BB+99] Berger, Peter / Berner, Wolfgang / Bolterauer, Johanna / Gutierrez, Karin / Berger, Katharina, 1999
Sadistic personality disorder in sex offenders: Relationship to antisocial personality disorder and sexual sadism
In: Journal of Personality Disorders, Vol. 13, 1999, pp. 175-186
[Ber90] Berger, Wolfgang, 1990
Die Lust, wenn es weh tut
In: Lui, Vol. 6, 1990, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Ber83a] Bergeret, Jean, 1983
Violence, OEdipe et perversion
(Violence, Oedipus, and perversion)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 291-297
Language: French
Abstract:  "Explores the connection between violence and perversion with reference to A. Lussier's (→ Lus83,→ Lus83a) essay on fetishism. Although the present author agrees with Lussier's analysis of the factors making up the perverse personality, he suggests that this analysis does not go far enough. It is suggested that perversion is essentially an expression of a narcissistic desire for control, especially the oedipal desire to control the mother figure. The perverse personality forms a monopolar sexual economy, essentially narcissistic, and seeks to become strong and dominant." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ber60] Bergler, E., 1960
Differential diagnosis between a calculated risk and a masochistic action
In: Diseases of the Nervous System, Vol. 21, 1960, pp. 30-?
[Ber38] Bergler, Edmund, 1938
Preliminary Phases of the Masculine Beating Fantasy
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. ?, No. ?, 1938, pp. 7514-7536
Abstract:  "Contains discussion of male/female differences in the sequencing of beating fantasies. Based on Freud's discussion in 'A Child is Being Beaten'." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ber47a] Bergman, Paul, 1947
Analysis of an unusual case of fetishism
In: Bulletins of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 11, 1947, pp. 67-75
Abstract:  "A case is described of a boy in late adolescence whose sexual life was almost wholly absorbed by a fascination for the exhaust pipes of cars. The perversion started almost simultaneously with adolescent masturbation and was preceded in early childhood by a period of extreme cruelty toward animals. He attempted to control his fetishistic perversion by severe self-discipline of mind and body. One long period of abstinence ended in serious acts of arson. At one time during analysis there was a short break with reality marked by hallucinations of witchlike women torturing the patient. Where fetishism is a symptom of central importance, causing great suffering, 'the symptom may be assumed to grow out of and as a defense against psychotic personality structure.'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ber96] Bergmann, Wolfgang, 1996
Fesseln des Eros: Eine Psychologie der Perversionen
Publisher: Limes, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ber91] Bergson, Boris (Pseud.), 1991
Gummi-Leder-Fetischismus: Kasuistisches Material zum Syndrom des Fetischismus unter besonderer Berücksichtigung algolagnischer Fixierungen dargestellt am Beispiel unveröffentlichter privater Porno-Texte
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  208 pages
[Ber84] Berkowitz, L., 1984
Some effects of thoughs on anti- and prosocial influences of media events: A cognitive-neoassociation analysis
In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 95, 1984, pp. 410-427
[BC81] Berlin, Fred S. / Coyle, Genevieve S., 1981
Sexual Deviation Syndromes
In: The Johns Hopkins Medical Journal, Vol. 149, 1981, pp. 119-125
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ber40] Berliner, Bernhard, 1940
Libido and reality in masochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 9, 1940, pp. 322-333
[Ber42] Berliner, Bernhard, 1942
The Concept of Masochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 29, 1942, pp. 386-400
[Ber47] Berliner, Bernhard, 1947
On Some Psychodynamics of Masochism
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1947, pp. 459-471
[Ber00] Berner, Wolfgang, 2000
Zur Differenzierung der Behandlung paraphiler Störungen
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2000, pp. 181-193
Language: German
[Ber00a] Berner, Wolfgang, 2000
Neue Entwicklungen in der Psychotherapie von Paraphilen
In: Psychotherapie, Vol. 5, 2000, pp. 255-262
Language: German
[Ber00b] Berner, Wolfgang, 2000
Störungen der Sexualität
in: Kernberg, Otto F. / Dulz, Birger / Sachsse, Ulrich (ed.): Handbuch der Borderline-Störungen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Schattauer, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Ber00c] Berner, Wolfgang, 2000
Psychoanalytische Aspekte bei der Therapie sexueller Störungen
in: Möller, H.-J. (ed.): Therapie psychiatrischer Erkrankungen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Thieme, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Ber00d] Berner, Wolfgang, 2000
Masochismus. Paraphilie. Perversion. Sadismus. Sadomasochismus.
in: Mertens, Wolfgang / Waldvogel, Bruno (ed.): Handbuch psychoanalytischer Grundbegriffe, pp. ?-?
Publisher: W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart und Köln
Language: German
[Ber91a] Berner, Wolfgang, 1991
Sadomasochismus bei einer Frau. Bericht über eine psychoanalytische Behandlung.
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 1, 1991, pp. 45-57
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ber96a] Berner, Wolfgang, 1996
Wann ist das Begehren krank? Vom Perversionsbegriff zur Paraphilie
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 9, 1996, pp. 62-75
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ber97] Berner, Wolfgang, 1997
Formen des Sadismus / Forms of Sadism
In: Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis, Vol. XII, No. 2, 1997, pp. 166-182
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Ber98] Berner, Wolfgang, 1998
Prädiktoren des Therapieerfolges bei sexueller Delinquenz
In: Persönlichkeitsstörungen - Theorie und Praxis, Vol. 1, 1998, pp. 50-56
Language: German
[Ber76] Bernstein, Isidor, 1976
Masochistic Reactions in a Latency-Age Girl
In: Journal of the American Psycho-Analytic Association, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1976, pp. 589-607
[Ber83] Bernstein, Isidor, 1983
Masochistic Pathology and Feminine Development
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 31, 1983, pp. 467-486
[Ber48] Beroud, Dr. Georges, 1948
Pendaison accidentelle d'un masochiste
In: Revue de criminologie et de police technique, 1948
Language: French
[Ber92] Berquet, Gilles, 1992
Larme Blanche
Publisher: Editions Astarte
Language: French
[Ber95b] Bersani, Leo, 1995
Foucault, Freud, Fantasy, and Power
In: GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, 1995, pp. 11-33
[Ber97a] Bertschi, Martin, 1997
Schützt die Rechtsordnung vor Diskriminierung aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung?
Publisher: Pink Cross, Bern
Language: German
[Ber69] Berz, Ulrich, 1969
Die Bedeutung der Sittenwidrigkeit für die rechtfertigende Einwilligung
In: Goltdammers Archiv für Strafrecht, 1969, pp. 145-152
Language: German
[Bet74] Bethell, Martin F., 1974
A rare manifestation of fetishism
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1974, pp. 301-302
Abstract:  "Presents a brief case report of a 20-yr-old male who exhibited infantile sexual behavior (e.g., dressing in a diaper, wearing a female wig, and sucking a bottle) associated with known brain damage. The patient suffered a right hemiplegia, caused by polyarthritis nodosa, at age 5, and had received steroid therapy from age 5-15." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bet02] Bettinger, Michael, 2002
Sexuality, boundaries, professional ethics, and clinical practice: The kink community
In: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2002, pp. 93-104
Abstract:  "Psychotherapists who identify as part of the sexual kink community are often asked to treat clients who are part of the same small community. The therapists are faced with unique boundary challenges regarding the issue of personal sharing within the the therapy hour and social contacts with clients outside of the therapy room. This articles addresses those professional challenges and various approaches to these situations while maintaining necessary therapeutic boundaries." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BP91] Betz, Peter / Penning, Randolph, 1991
Ein ungewöhnlicher Unfall bei autoerotischer Betätigung
In: Archiv für Kriminologie, Vol. 188, 1991, pp. 20-24
Language: German
[BE77] Beyer, James C. / Enos, William F., 1977
Obscure Causes of Death During Sexual Acticity
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 11, 1977, pp. ?-?
[BS96] Bhugra, Dinesh / de Silva, Padmal, 1996
Uniforms - Fact, fashion, fantasy and fetish
In: Sexual and Marital Therapy, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1996, pp. 393-406
Abstract:  "Discusses attraction to uniforms as part of fetishistic behavior and fantasy and outlines underlying etiological theories about factors which may lead to an attraction towards uniforms. The roles of perceived power and of other paraphilias in relation to such attraction are discussed. Psychoanalytic hypotheses, behavioral approaches, and organic causes are provided. Uniforms and attraction towards uniforms are not necessarily pathological; however, their study will contribute to the understanding of other fetishes and of normal attraction." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bie53] Bieber, Irving, 1953
The Meaning of Masochism
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1953, pp. 433-448
[Bie00] Bienvenu II, Robert V., 2000
Sadomasochism and Fetishism Subject Bibliography: Scholarly References (version 1.0)
[Bie98] Bienvenu II, Robert V., 1998 (Doctoral thesis)
The Development of Sadomasochism as a Cultural Style in the Twentieth-Century United States
School: Indiana University
Abstract:  "Today, distinctively stylized representations of fetishistic and sadomasochistic sexuality are commonplace in popular culture and fashion. This dissertation analyzes the historical development of modern fetishistic sadomasochism (SM) as a cultural style, and examines how this style was introduced into popular culture. Drawing from a rich array of archival and primary source material, this analysis locates the origin of modern SM and fetishistic styles in early twentieth-century practitioner networks in Europe, Australia, and the United States. Modern SM styles are distinguished from their nineteenth-century antecedents, and three distinct, modern SM styles are specified: European Fetish (c. 1928), American Fetish (c. 1934), and Gay Leather (c. 1950). These styles originated in distinct social groups and exhibit differences in aesthetics and composition. Together, these three early-modern styles established a body of stylistic precedents from which subsequent SM and fetish styles evolved, both in sexual subcultures and in late twentieth-century popular culture. The focus of the dissertation is on the development of the American Fetish and Gay Leather styles in the United States from 1933-1971. The general explanatory approach used in the dissertation is the production-of-culture framework in the sociology of culture. This approach has previously been used in historical explanations of the development of styles in art. It is used here to explain the development of style associated with a category of sexuality. Variations in the aesthetics and conventions of SM styles are explained in terms of processes such as the historical development of practitioner networks and social circles, the economics of the production and distribution of SM and fetishistic erotica, and the political, legal, technological, and institutional contexts in which fetishistic materials have been produced, consumed, and constrained by agendas of social control."
Recommended reading
[Bie98a] Bienvenu II, Robert V., 1998
Two Recent Works Addressing Alternate Sexualities
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 35, No. 1, 1998, pp. 115-117
[Bie65] Biermann, G., 1965
Kritik zu: Hävernick, W. (Schläge als Strafe, 1964)
In: Psyche, Vol. 19, 1965, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Bij96] Bijsterbosch, Willem, 1996
Der Leibsklave
Publisher: Albino, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Van een knecht" by Rainer Kersten.
[Bil90] BILD (Autor ungenannt), 1990, 19.5.
Auch ich brauche Erniedrigung
In: BILD, 1990, 19.5., pp. ?
Language: German
[BH80] Bilmes, J. / Howard, A., 1980
Pain as Cultural Drama
In: Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly, Vol. 65, 1980, pp. 10-12
[Bin87] Binet, Alfred, 1887
Le Fétichisme dans l'amour: Etude de psychologie morbide
In: Revue philosophique, Vol. 24, 1887, pp. 143-167, 252-274
Language: French
[Bin49] Binswanger, Ludwig, 1949/50
Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen
In: Psyche, 1949/50, pp. 881-?
Language: German
[Bir21] Birch, William, 1921
Die Philantropin
Publisher: Privately printed, Budapest
Language: German
[Bir76] Bird, John, 1976
Percy Grainger
Notes:  XVI/317 pages with many b/w photos.
[Bir70] Birgkmann, H.P., ohne Jahr, ca. 1970
Publisher: Privately printed, no place
Language: German
[Bir88] Birken, L., 1988
Consuming Desire: Sexual Science and the Emergence of a Culture of Abundance, 1871-1914
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y.
[Bir28] Birlinger, Johannes R., 1928
Das grausame Weib: Sexualpsychologische und pathologische Dokumente von der Grausamkeit und Dämonie der Frau Series: Allmacht Weib. Erotische Typologie der Frau., Vol. 2
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Bir33] Birlinger, Johannes R., 1933
Die Herrin des Mannes
Publisher: MISSING, Leipzig
Language: German
[Bis00] Bischoff, Ben, 2000
Kredit auf Schläge
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Blu14] Blüher, Hans, 1914
Studien über den perversen Charakter
In: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie, Vol. 4, 1914, pp. 10-?
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Blu65] Blüher, Hans, 1965
Studien zur Inversion und Perversion: Das uralte Phänomen der geschlechtlichen Inversion in natürlicher Sicht
Publisher: F. Decker, Schmiden
Language: German
[Bla94a] Blackridge, Persimmon, 1994
Her Tongue on My Theory
Publisher: MISSING, Vancouver, BC, Canada
[BL81] Blair, C.D. / Lanyon, R.I., 1981
Exhibitionism: Etiology and Treatment
In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 89, 1981, pp. 439-463
[Bla94] Blanc, Henri-Frédéric, 1994
Der Mann im Lift
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Combat des fauves au crépuscule" by Sigrid Vagt.
[Bla74a] Blanch, Andrea, 1974
The Problem of Feminine Masochism: An Approach Through Theory and Literature
In: Cornell Journal of Social Relations, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1974, pp. 1-15
[BC88] Blanchard, Ray / Clemmensen, Leonard H., 1988
A test of the DSM-III-R's implicit assumption that fetishistic arousal and gender dysphoria are mutually exclusive
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1988, pp. 426-432
Abstract:  "This study sought to determine the proportion of adult, male, heterosexual cross-dressers who acknowledge both gender dysphoria and at least occasional fetishistic response to cross-dressing. Subjects were 193 outpatients of the gender identity clinic or behavioral sexology department of a psychiatric teaching hospital. (...) About half of even the most strongly gender dysphoric subjects, however, acknowledged that they still become sexually aroused or masturbate at least occasionally when cross-dressing. These findings indicate a need for revision in the DSM-III-R's diagnostic criteria for transvestism and gender identity disorders, which presuppose that gender dysphoria and fetishistic reactions are mutually exclusive."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BH91] Blanchard, Ray / Hucker, Stephen J., 1991
Age, Transvestism, Bondage, and Concurrent Paraphilic Activities in 117 Fatal Cases of Autoerotic Asphyxia
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 159, 1991, pp. 371-377
[BRS86] Blanchard, Ray / Racansky, I.G. / Steiner, Betty W., 1986
Phallometric detection of fetishistic arousal in heterosexual male cross-dressers
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1986, pp. 452-462
Abstract:  "Examined whether an erotic response to cross-dressing fantasies could be detected in heterosexual male cross-dressers (HCDs) who verbally denied any erotic arousal in association with cross-dressing for at least the past year. Ss were 37 HCD patients (mean age range 29.1-36.2 yrs) and 10 heterosexual controls (mean age 23 yrs). HCDs were divided into groups according to their response to a questionnaire item asking the proportion of occasions that cross -dressing was erotically arousing during the past year. Penile blood volume was monitored while Ss listened to descriptions of cross-dressing and sexually neutral activities. All HCD groups responded significantly more to cross -dressing than to neutral narratives. It is suggested that only those causal hypotheses of heterosexual cross-dressing that also account for the presence of fetishism need to be considered." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bla74] Blanchot, M., 1974
in: Glaser, H.A. (ed.): Wollüstige Phantasie. Sexualästhetik der Literatur., pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING, München
Language: German
[Ble64] Bledsoe, Robert, 1964
Male Sexual Deviations and Bizarre Practices
Publisher: Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles
[Ble64a] Bledsoe, Robert, 1964
Female Sexual Deviations and Bizarre Practices
Publisher: Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles
[Ble70] Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, C.I., 1970 (Doctoral thesis)
Sexuelle Abartigkeit im Urteil der abendländischen Religions-, Geistes- und Rechtsgeschichte im Zusammenhang mit der Gesellschaftsentwicklung
School: ?, Bonn
Language: German
[BS72] Bleischwitz, Karl / Schrader, Klaus, 1972
Ein Flagellant
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 11, 1972, pp. 533-536
Language: German
[Blo] Bloch, Iwan, FEHLT
Ausschweifungen im Sexualleben
Publisher: Dithmar, Frankfurt
Language: German
[Blo02] Bloch, Iwan, 1902
Beiträge zur Ätiologie der Psychopathia sexualis Vol. 1.
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
Notes:  XVI/272 pages with a preface by Albert Eulenburg. The section "Die Flagellation - Ein Beitrag zur Ätiologie" is also published in → Far91.
[Blo03] Bloch, Iwan, 1903
Beiträge zur Ätiologie der Psychopathia sexualis Vol. 2.
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
Notes:  XVIII/400 pages.
[Blo05] Bloch, Iwan, 1905
Die Perversen. Moderne Zeitfragen
Publisher: Pan-Verlag, Berlin
Language: German
[Blo06] Bloch, Iwan, 1906
Ein merkwürdiger Fall von sexueller Perversion (Zoophilie)
In: Medizinische Klinik, Vol. 2, 1906, pp. ?
Language: German
[Blo07] Bloch, Iwan, 1907
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur
1st edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  VIII/823 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Blo07a] Bloch, Iwan, 1907
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur
2nd and 3rd, corrected and enlarged edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  XII/829 pages
[Blo08] Bloch, Iwan, 1908
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit
4th-6th enlarged edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  840 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Blo09] Bloch, Iwan, 1909
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur
7th-9th enlarged edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  850 pages
[Blo12] Bloch, Iwan, 1912
Die Prostitution Vol. 1
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
[Blo14] Bloch, Iwan, 1914
Handbuch der gesamten Sexualwissenschaft in Einzeldarstellungen
Publisher: Louis Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
[Blo19] Bloch, Iwan, 1919
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur
10th-12th corrected edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  816 pages
[Blo28] Bloch, Iwan, 1928
The sexual life of our time: In its relations to modern civilization
Publisher: Allied Book Company, New York
Notes:  790 pages, probably translation of → Blo19.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Blo67] Bloch, Iwan, 1967
Die anthropologische Betrachtung der Psychopathia sexualis
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 109-128
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Blo06a] Blondel, Dr., 1906 (Doctoral thesis)
Les Automutilateurs
School: ?, Paris
Language: French
[Blo91] Blos, Peter, 1991
Sadomasochism and the defense against recall of painful affect
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 417-430
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Blu76] Blum, Harold P., 1976
Masochism, the ego ideal, and the psychology of women
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (Suppl.), Vol. 24, 1976, pp. 157-192
[Blu81] Blum, Harold P., 1981
Masochismus, Ichideal und Psychologie der Frau
in: Grunert, Johannes (ed.): Leiden am Selbst: zum Phänomen des Masochismus, pp. 112-146
Publisher: Kindler, München
Language: German
[Blu82] Blum, Harold P., 1982
Psychoanalytic Reflections on the 'Beaten Wife Syndrome'
in: Kirkpatrick, M. (ed.): Women's Sexual Experience, pp. 263-267
Publisher: Plenum, New York
[Blu91] Blum, Harold P., 1991
Sadomasochism in the psychoanalytic process, within and beyond the pleasure principle: discussion
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 431-450
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Boe97] Boedt, Jürgen (ed.), 1997
Fetish Photo Anthology
Publisher: Secret, Bruxelles
[BT+91] Boglioli, Lauren R. / Taff, Mark L. / Stephens, Peter J. / Money, John, 1991
A Case of Autoerotic Asphyxia Associated with Multiplex Paraphilia
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 64-73
[Boh53] Bohm, Ewald, 1953
Ein Fall von masochistischem Transvestitismus Series: Beihefte zur Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Anwendungen, Vol. 21
Publisher: Huber, Bern
Language: German
[BL55] Bohne, G. / Lehrndorfer, G., 1955
Zwei Fälle von Gummi-Fetischismus
(Two cases of rubber fetishism)
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 26, 1955, pp. 280-285
Language: German
[Boi00] Boileau, Jacques, 1700
Historia flagellantium: de recto et perverso flagrorum usu apud christianos; ex antiquis scripturae, patrum, pont., conciliorum, & scriptorum profanorum monumentis cum cura & fide expressa
Publisher: Anisson, Paris
Language: Latin
[Boi01] Boileau, Jacques, 1701
Histoire des flagellants oł l'on fait voir le bon et le mauvais usage des flagellations parmi les chrétiens ...
Publisher: F. Vander Plaats, Amsterdam
Language: French
Notes:  French translation of → Boi00 by the author.
[Boi49] Boismont, Brierre de, 1849
Remarques médico-legales sur la perversion de l'instinct génésique
In: Gaz. méd. de Paris, Vol. 29, 1849, pp. 555-564
Language: French
[Bok92] Bokanowski, Thiery, 1992
A propos de la perversion et de l'emprise: Le fétichisme
(Perversion and mastery: Fetishism)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 1707-1714
Language: French
Abstract:  Defines fetishism as the most fluid and the most readable of perversions. Illustrating this theme with the complex case of a 50-yr-old male patient, the author highlights, among other manifestations, the deep disorganization of the S's fantasy elaboration. The early roots of the S's fetishism had to be sought, among other things, in the early mastery exercised over him by a seductive and dysfunctional mother. The S's auto-erotic manifestations, without any objectal references, beacme part of his perversion together with the intrapsychic organization of primary homosexuality. The mastery and control originally wielded over the S by his mother became internalized in her absence, and inextricably intertwined with his psychic apparatus.
[Bol90] Bolze, Daniela, 1990
Brennende Fesseln
In: Playgirl, Vol. ?, 1990, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Bon35] Bonaparte, Marie, 1935
Passivität, Masochismus und Weiblichkeit
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1935, pp. 23-29
Language: German
[Bon52] Bonaparte, Marie, 1952
Some Biophysical Aspects of Sadomasochism
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1952, pp. 373-383
[Bon81] Bond, A.H., 1981
The Masochist is the Leader
In: Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1981, pp. 375-389
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bon67] Bond, Alma H., 1967
Sadomasochistic Patterns in an 18-Month-Old Child
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 48, 1967, pp. 596-603
[BE67] Bond, I.K. / Evans, D.R., 1967
Avoidance therapy: Its use in two cases of underwear fetishism
In: Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 96, No. 16, 1967, pp. 1160-1162
Abstract:  "A pilot study in the use of a modified form of avoidance therapy in the treatment of fetishism is described. The theory and method are reported in conjunction with their use and result in 2 cases of underwear fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bon48] Bonnet, Federico, 1948
Autofetichismo del calzado
(Autofetishism of footwear)
In: Archivos de Medicina Legal, Buenos Aires, Vol. 18, 1948, pp. 118-130
Language: Spanish
Abstract:  "This is the presentation of a case history of a man of 20, whose eroticism centered entirely about footwear, starting at first with his own and then spreading to other people's shoes. Altho he was sexually active, there had never been any but auto-erotic expressions. Discussion of definitions, symptomatology, etiology, and nosology of fetishisms. 25 references." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bon02] Bonnet, Gerard, 2002
Pour une nouvelle classification des perversions sexuelles
(Elements for a new classification of sexual perversions)
In: Evolution Psychiatrique, Vol. 67, No. 3, 2002, pp. 496-505
Language: French
Abstract:  "It is argued that a new and dramatic increase in acts of sexual perversion (SP) has been seen in recent years, and that concepts and classifications introduced as a result of past research no longer correspond to the current situation. They tend to be too normative, too descriptive, and show a lack of precision. The present author therefore suggests that these concepts be put aside, and that the theories of Freud and Lacan regarding the partial impulse are better suited to this context: SP is in fact a perversion of the partial impulse, and of its 4 underlying constructs: the upsurge, the source, the object and the aim. These factors are utilized by the perverse individual to put into effect the 4 forms of sexuality available to him or her. This approach assumes very different proportions, depending on whether the emphasis is put on one form rather than another, and on whether it relates to fantasy or to reality. On this basis, another classification can be determined which takes into account the entire range of SPs, and which better delineates the distinctions between those SPs exclusively connected with the subject himself, those which require therapeutic treatment, and finally those which require penal sanctions in proportion to the severity of the crime committed."
[Bon99] Bonnet, Gerard, 1999
Perversion affective et perversion sexuelle: Les quatre etats de l'affect
(Affective perversion and sexual perversion: The four states of the affect)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 63, No. 1, 1999, pp. 27-41
Language: French
Abstract:  "Notes that nowhere are affects more perverted than in sexual perversions. This is especially obvious when one considers the affect insofar as it represents the different poles of the instinctual circuit. Perverted practices represent a privileged area for understanding affective processes in general and their principal modalities. Bonnet subsequently explains why and how it is possible to speak of the 4 elements which organize the instinctual circuit, i.e., thrust, source, object and aims. The author discusses the affects involved in different sexual perversions: affect/aim associated with exhibitionism; affect/object associated with pedophilia and fetishism; affect/thrust corresponding to voyeurism; affect/source, associated with overcathexis of the anal zone. Perversions, however, can also be sublimated into artistic manifestations, e.g., in the visual arts and music. Some clinical material illustrates in part the author's thesis." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BP93a] Book, R.G. / Perumal, G., 1993
Sexual Asphyxia: A Lesser Epidemic
In: Medicine and Law, Vol. , No. ?, 1993, pp. 687-698
[Boo57] Boots (Pseud.), 1957
The Feelings of a Fetishist
In: Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol. 31, 1957, pp. 742-758
Abstract:  "'Boots' collects rubber boots under the guise of part-time trading in scrap rubber and by explaining his boot collection as a hobby. 'Boots' is a self-professed homosexual fetishist. He believes in 'once a fetishist, always a fetishist.' He functions in society without psychiatric care. He points out that not all homosexuals are fetishists. He states that a fetish is often a throwback resulting from early childhood memories which are especially vivid." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bor98a] Borens, Constance, 1998
Fetisch sein oder Fetisch haben? Überlegungen zur weiblichen Perversion
in: Michels, André / Müller, Peter / Perner, Achim / Rath, Claus-Dieter (ed.): Perversion Vol. 1, pp. 153-166
Publisher: edition diskord, Tübingen
Language: German
[Bor94a] Borens, Raymond, 1994
Der Perverse - Tragik oder Schuld?
In: RISS (Details unbekannt), Vol. 25, 1994, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Bor98] Borens, Raymond, 1998
Der Signifikant gebietet dem Genießen Einhalt: Perversion und psychosomatische Erkrankung im Vergleich
in: Michels, André / Müller, Peter / Perner, Achim / Rath, Claus-Dieter (ed.): Perversion Vol. 1, pp. 75-89
Publisher: edition diskord, Tübingen
Language: German
[Bor78] Borneman, Ernest, 1978
Lexikon der Liebe: Materialien zur Sexualwissenschaft
Publisher: Ullstein, Berlin / Wien
Language: German
[Bor94] Borneman, Ernest, 1994
Sexuelle Marktwirtschaft: Vom Waren- und Geschlechtsverkehr in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Bos47] Boss, Medard, 1947
Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen: Ein daseinsanalytischer Beitrag zur Psychopathologie des Phänomens der Liebe
Publisher: Huber, Bern
Language: German
[Bos49] Boss, Medard, 1949
Meaning and Content of Sexual Perversions; a Daseinsanalytic approach to the psychopathology of the phenomenon of love
Publisher: Grune & Stratton, Oxford
Notes:  153 pp.; probably English translation of → Bos47.
Abstract:  "The psychoanalytic and anthropologic theories of perversions are criticized and a synthesis of their best points is achieved in Daseinsanalyse, a psychoanalytic-phenomenologic psychopathology. With this approach a fetishist, coprophiliac, a kleptomaniac, a voyeur and exhibitionist, a sadomasochist and three homosexuals are presented as cases of restriction in the expression of love." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bos52] Boss, Medard, 1952
Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen
Publisher: Huber, Bern, Stuttgart
Language: German
Abstract:  "Presents a psychoanalytical, phenomenological, and anthropological discussion of different varieties of sexual deviations illustrated with 8 case histories." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BB54] Boss, Medard / Benedetti, G., 1954/55
Psychoanalyse eines Sadisten
In: Psyche, Vol. 7, 1954/55, pp. 241-?
Language: German
[BB83] Boström, Jörg / Boulboullé, Guido (ed.), 1983
Ästhetik und Gewalt Series: Jahrbuch Ästhetische Erziehung, Vol. 1
Publisher: Frölich & Kaufmann, Berlin
Language: German
[Bou65] Bouillier, Francisque, 1965
Du plaisir et de la douleur
Publisher: Germer-Baillière, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XI/159 pages
[Bou29] Boulenger, M., 1929
Kleptomanie et fétichisme
(Kleptomania and fetishism)
In: Journal de Neurologie et de Psychiatrie Brussels, Vol. 29, 1929, pp. 304-307
Language: French
Abstract:  "The history of a mentally defective boy who showed a very persistent habit of stealing. Some of the objects stolen were of a clearly fetishistic character; they were used by the patient to produce sexual excitement, especially through the sense of smell. The patient at the age of 14.5 years had an intelligence quotient of 58. The author suggests eugenic sterilization in such cases." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bou81] Bourgeois, Michel, 1981
L'oeuvre erotique de Georges Pichard
Publisher: Glénat, Grenoble
Language: French
[BB87] Bourget, D. / Bradford, John McDonald Wilson, 1987
Fire fetishism, diagnostic and clinical implications: A review of two cases
In: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 32, No. 6, 1987, pp. 459-462
Language: E with French abstract
Abstract:  "Presents 2 cases of adult male arsonists whose sexual assessments showed fire to be part of a fetish. Ss were treated for the sexual deviation associated with the acts of arson and showed significant changes in their sexual functioning." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bou13] Bourke, John Gregory, 1913
Der Unrat in Sitte, Brauch, Glauben und Gewohnheitsrecht der Völker Series: Beiwerke zum Studium der Anthropophyteia, Vol. VI
Publisher: Ethnologischer Verlag, Leipzig
Language: German
[Boy68a] Boyer, P.S., 1968
Purity in Print - The Vice Society Movement and Book Censorship in America
Publisher: MISSING, New York
[Boy68] Boyle, Lance, 1968
The Changing Sexual Deviant
Publisher: Triumph News, Triumph Fact, Van Nuys, CA
[Bra58] Bräutigam, Walter, 1958
Zur Phänomenologie der erotischen und sexuellen Liebe sowie ihrer Perversionen
(On the phenomenology of erotic and sexual love and their perversions)
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 29, 1958, pp. 53-59
Language: German
Abstract:  "The erotic and sexual encounter of male and female takes place in several phases. The first one is optic-aesthetic. Perversions at this level include exhibitionism and voyeurism. Transvestites are fixated on this stage. The next step is physical contact, its perversions are sado-masochism and fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BC89] Bräutigam, Walter / Clement, Ulrich, 1989
Sexualmedizin im Grundriss: Eine Einführung in Klinik, Theorie und Therapie der sexuellen Konflikte und Störungen
3rd revised edition
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Bro05] Bröhmeck, Richard, ohne Jahr, ca. 1905
Aus der Pension der Madame de Lamelin
Publisher: Privately printed, no place
Language: German
[Bra31] Brachfeld, O., 1931
Über "Glyptophilie"
(Concerning "Glyptophilia")
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik, Vol. 17, 1931, pp. 420-425
Language: German
Abstract:  "The kissing of photographs, busts, or plaster casts of beloved persons, and the kissing of religious pictures and statues, may be called a sexual aberration, but not a perversion." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bra26] Bracken, H. von, 1926
Die Prügelstrafe in der Erziehung: Soziologische, psychologische und pädagogische Untersuchungen
Publisher: Verlag am andern Ufer, Dresden
Language: German
[Bra00] Bradford, John McDonald Wilson, 2000
Treatment of Sexual Deviation Using a Pharmacological Approach
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2000, pp. 248-257
[Bra01] Bradford, John McDonald Wilson, 2001
The Neurobiology, Neuropharmacology, and Pharmacological Treatment of the Paraphilias and Compulsive Sexual Behaviour
In: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2001, pp. 26-34
Notes:  See also → HAO01.
Abstract:  "There has been increasing interest in the treatment of sexual disorders in recent years. Sexual disorders are classified in DSM-IV as sexual dysfunctions, paraphilias, and gender identity disorders. The sexual dysfunctions are nondeviant or nonparaphillic. The sexual dysfunction disorders should include "hyperactive sexual desire disorder" under sexual desire disorders . Further, there should be a specifier for paraphilias of "with hypersexuality" or "without hypersexuality." There is still incomplete understanding of the neurobiology of sexual disorders although functional neuroanatomy and neoropharmcological research has exposed the neurotransmitters, receptors, and hormones that are involved in sexual desire. Various pharmacological agents including serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antiandrogens, LHRH agonists, and others have been documented as reducing sexual desire. An algorithm for the use of these drugs in the treatment of the paraphilias as well nonparaphilic hypersexuality is outlined. The modes of action, dosages, aims of treatment, and usual methods of prescribing these agents is reviewed in this article. Some future directions of research in pharmacological treatment is also discussed."
[Bra97] Bradford, John McDonald Wilson, 1997
Medical Interventions in Sexual Deviance
in: Laws, Donald Richard / O'Donohue, William (ed.): Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Publications, New York
[Bra99] Bradford, John Mcdonald Wilson, 1999
The paraphilias, obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder, and the treatment of sexually deviant behaviour
In: Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol. 70, No. 3, 1999, pp. 209-219
[BP93] Bradford, John McDonald Wilson / Pawlak, A., 1993
Double-Blind Placebo Crossover Study of Cyproterone Acetate in the Treatment of the Paraphilias
In: Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Vol. 22, No. 5, 1993, pp. 383
[Bra00a] Brame, Gloria G., 2000
Come Hither: A Commonsense Guide to Kinky Sex
Publisher: Fireside
Notes:  336 pages.
[Bra98] Brame, Gloria G., 1998
Domina - The Sextopians
Publisher: Universal Publishers, Parkland
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[BBJ93] Brame, Gloria G. / Brame, William D. / Jacobs, Jon, 1993
Different Loving: The World of Sexual Dominance and Submission
Publisher: Villard, New York
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
Recommended reading
[Bra70a] Brand, Clavel, 1970
Publisher: Luxor Press, London
[Bra70b] Brand, Clavel, 1970
The Kinky Crowd. Vol. 1, The Rubber Devotee and The Leather Lover
Publisher: Luxor Press, London
[Bra03] Brandhurst, Christoph (ed.), 2003
Extrem! Dreiundzwanzig Frauen, Männer und Paare erzählen über ihre geheimen Obsessionen
Publisher: Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  271 pages
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bra80] Brandon, S., 1980
The range of sexual variations
In: Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1980, pp. 345-361
[BG87] Branningan, A. / Goldenberg, S., 1987
Pornography studies: the second wave. A review essay.
In: Law in Context, Vol. 5, 1987, pp. 56-72
[Bra25] Bransiet, Maurice, ca. 1925
La vie et les amours tourmentées de Sacher-Masoch, le père du "masochisme". Avec les pages les plus curieuses de "La Venus aux fourrures", "Les batteuses d'hommes", "La Czarine noire", "La pantoufle de Sapho".
Publisher: Quignon, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  317 pages
[Bra66] Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeille de, 1666
Memoires de Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur de Brantôme: contenans les vies des dames galantes de son temps
Publisher: Iean Sambix le ieune, Leiden
Language: French
[Bra88] Brauerhoch, A. et al. (ed.), 1988
Masochismus Series: Frauen und Film, Vol. 39
Publisher: Stroemfeld, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Bra67] Braun, Walter, 1967
The Cruel and the Meek: Aspects of Sadism and Masochism, Being Pages from a Sexologist's Notebook
Publisher: Lyle Stuart, New York
[Bra70] Braun, Walter, 1970
Sexspiele der Perversen
Publisher: Stephenson, Flensburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bra67 by Helmut B. Iversen.
[Bra78] Braun, Walter, 1978
Sadismus, Masochismus, Flagellantismus
6th revised edition
Publisher: Stephenson, Flensburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bra67 by Helmut B. Iversen.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bre69] Brecher, Edward M., 1969
The Sex Researchers
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Toronto
[Bre71] Brecher, Edward M., 1971
Vom Tabu zum Sex-Labor: Die erste Geschichte der Sexualforschung
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bre69.
[Bre94] Breiner, Sander J., 1994
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and Masochism
In: Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1994, pp. 639-661
[BP+02] Breitmeier, D. / Passie, T. / Mansouri, F. / Albrecht, K. / Kleemann, W.J., 2002
Autoerotic accident associated with self-applied ketamine
In: International Journal of Legal Medicine, Vol. 116, No. 2, 2002, pp. 113-116
Abstract:  "We present a rare case of an autoerotic accident involving a fatal combination of asphyxia by suffocation and intoxication with self-administered intravenous ketamine. Of note in this case is the fact that the victim was an emergency medical technician. Ketamine causes complete analgesia with superficial unconciousness and amnesia called 'dissociative anasthesia'. Futhermore low anaesthetic doses of ketamine induce alterations in mood, cognition and body image and the substance is an emerging drug of abuse. We discuss the death scene investigation, findings at autopsy and the toxicological report."
[Bre59] Brenner, Charles, 1959
The Masochistic Character: Genesis and Treatment
In: Journal of the Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 7, 1959, pp. 197-226
[Bre81a] Brenner, Charles, 1981
Masochism: Current Concepts
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 29, 1981, pp. 673-688
[Bre96] Brenner, I., 1996
On trauma, perversion, and "multiple personality"
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 44, 1996, pp. 785-814
[Bre94a] Brent, Bill (ed.), 1994
The Black Book
2nd edition
Publisher: Black Book / Amador Communications, San Francisco
[Bre96a] Brent, Bill (ed.), 1996
The Black Book
4th edition
Publisher: Black Book / Amador Communications, San Francisco
[Bre87] Breslow, Norman, 1987
Locus of Control, Desirability of Control, and Sadomasochists
In: Psychological Reports, Vol. 61, 1987, pp. 995-1001
Abstract:  "Two studies were conducted to determine whether sadists (dominants), masochists (submissives) and versatiles (those who state that they enjoy both the sadistic and masochistic roles) possess similar or different attitudes toward control, as measured by Rotter's Internal vs. External Locus of Control Inventory and Burger and Cooper's Desirability of Control inventory. Sadomasochists, as a group, scored within the internal locus of control category. There were no differences among the three subgroups. The second study indicated all three groups posses a high desire for control. Planned comparisons among the three groups showed sadists had a higher desire for control than the masochists. The data are interpreted as support for observational and descriptive studies which have identified (at least) three distinct subgroups of sadomasochists."
[Bre89] Breslow, Norman, 1989
Sources of Confusion in the Study and Treatment of Sadomasochism
In: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1989, pp. 263-274
Abstract:  "A review of the literature for explanations of sadomasochism, particularly the two prevalent views, psychodynamic and behavioral, shows that precise definitions and empirical data are lacking. Several avenues of investigation are proposed to increase knowledge and understanding of this subject. (...) It is argued that psychodynamic theorists have been too broad in their identification of causal factors, and behavioral theorists have oversimplified the phenomenon, often confounding it with other behavior patterns (e.g., fetishism). Researchers are encouraged to build a solid base of empirical data and use precise definitions to remove sources of confusion regarding differences between erotogenic, feminine, and moral masochism; normal and abnormal aggressiveness; overt sadomasochistic and psychosexual sadomasochistic behavior, and consensual and nonconsensual sexual activity."
[BEL85] Breslow, Norman / Evans, Linda / Langley, Jill, 1985
On the Prevalence and Roles of Females in the Sadomasochistic Subculture: Report of an Empirical Study
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 14, 1985, pp. 303-317
Abstract:  "Tested the theoretical and clinical assumption that females do not exist in the sadomasochistic (SM) subculture, or exist in such small numbers as to make analysis impossible, through responses from questionnaires placed in 2 publications that cater to sadomasochists and additional questionnaires mailed to advertisers whose ads appeared in a sadomasochistic contact magazine. Of 182 individuals who responded, 130 were males, and 52 were females, indicating a meaningful female presence in the subculture (...)"
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[BEL86] Breslow, Norman / Evans, Linda / Langley, Jill, 1986
Comparisons Among Heterosexual, Bisexual and Homosexual Male Sado-Masochists
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1986, pp. 83-107
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Bre56] Bressler, David M., 1956
Masochism in Terms of Adlerian Psychology
In: Journal of Individual Psychology, Vol. 12, 1956, pp. 123-127
[Bre61] Brettner, Heinz, 1961
Masochismus, Pyromanie, Schizophrenie? Feuertod auf dem eigenen Scheiterhaufen
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. , No. ?, 1961, pp. 264-266
Language: German
[Bre29] Brettschneider, Rudolf, 1929
Das feile Weib Series: Allmacht Weib. Erotische Typologie der Frau., Vol. ?
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[BB+00] Briken, Peer / Berner, Wolfgang / Noldus, J. / Nika, Evangelia / Michl, U., 2000
Therapie mit dem LHRH-Antagonisten Leuprorelinacetat bei Paraphilen und sexuell aggressiven Impulshandlungen
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 71, 2000, pp. 380-385
Language: German
[BNB99] Briken, Peer / Nika, Evangelia / Berner, Wolfgang, 1999
Sexualdelikte mit Todesfolge. Eine Erhebung aus Gutachten.
In: Fortschritte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Vol. 67, 1999, pp. 189-199
Language: German
[Bri77] Bristow, Edward J., 1977
Vice and Vigilance: Purity Movements in Britain since 1700
Publisher: Gill & Macmillan, Dublin
[Bro03] Brock, Bazon, 2003
Augiasmus - Anstrengungs- und Erschöpfungslust bei Gipfelsturm und Grenzerfahrung
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 288-295
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BB96] Brockman, Bee / Bluglass, Robert S., 1996
A general psychiatric approach to sexual deviation
in: Rosen, Ismond (ed.): Sexual Deviation, pp. 1-42
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
Abstract:  From the chapter: "... an historical review of physical treatments used in the past and current practice /// the paraphilias [exhibitionism, fetishism, frotteurism, voyeurism, paedophilia, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, some other paraphilias] / understanding sexual deviancy"
[Bro83a] Brodeur, Claude, 1983
Au sujet du fétichisme: Les destins d'un evenement
(On the subject of fetishism: The destinies of an event)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 304-315
Language: French
Abstract:  "Considers fetishism to be a reaction of the traumatized personality to sexual feelings directed toward a maternal figure. This incomplete resolution of the oedipal drama is transferred to other objects that retain some sexual connotation, such as high-heeled shoes or women's underwear. Fetishism is marked by a quality of delirium and a sense of unparalleled pleasure for the fetishist. Fetishists rarely seek psychoanalytic treatment, and treatment is likely to be more complex and difficult than that involved in the neuroses usually seen in analysis." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bro93] Brodsky, J.I., 1993
The Mineshaft: A Retrospective Ethnography
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 24, No. 3/4, 1993, pp. 233-251
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bro93a] Brokmann, Angela, 1993
(K)ein Grund zum Aufregen: käufliche Liebe, Pornographie, Perversionen, Moral
Publisher: GEWIS, Hamburg
Language: German
[Bro96] Brokmann, Angela, 1996
Was ist pervers?
Publisher: Sexologisches Institut e.V. Hamburg, Hamburg
Language: German
[Bro96a] Brokmann, Angela, 1996
Macht und Erotik
Publisher: Sexologisches Institut e.V. Hamburg, Hamburg
Language: German
[Bro65a] Bromberg, Norbert, 1965
Maternal Influences in the Development of Moral Masochism
In: The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1965, pp. 802-812
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bro92] Broschat, Gernot, 1992
Einfache und qualifizierte Pornographie
In: Jugend Medien Schutz-Report, Vol. 5, 1992, pp. 39-41
Language: German
[BRW93] Brosig, Bernd / Rodewig, Klaus / Woidera, Regina, 1993
Die Klassifikation von Sexualstörungen in der ICD-10: Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Forschungskriterienstudie
in: Schneider, Wolfgang (ed.): Diagnostik und Klassifikation nach ICD-10, Kap. V: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung; Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Forschungskriterienstudie aus dem Bereich Psychosomatik/Psychotherapie Vol. 17, pp. 200-209
Publisher: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bro97] Brothers, Doris, 1997
The Leather Princess: Sadomasochism as the Rescripting of Trauma Scenarios
in: Goldberg, Arnold (ed.): Conversations in Self Psychology Vol. 13, pp. 245-268
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bro83] Brown, Christie, 1983
Paraphilias: Sadomasochism, Fetishism, Transvestism and Transsexuality
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 143, 1983, pp. 227-231
Abstract:  "Argues that since definitions of deviance reflect the norms of a society, deviant individuals are best seen as leaning toward the extremes of sexual norms. Treatment should be based on a therapeutic contract to which the patient is an informed and willing party. Extreme sadomasochism is a rare phenomenon, confined usually to males. This deviance has been treated with dynamic psychotherapy, behavior therapy, administration of anti-androgens, and the surgical destruction of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus on the non-dominant side. The rare cases of fetishism also generally involve males; common fetish items include rubber and leather. Psychoanalysts contend that fetishism is the result of a developmental disturbance leading to a sexual interest in symbolic objects. It has also been associated with temporal lobe abnormalities. Transvestism is best seen as bridging the gap between fetishism and transsexualism. Most patients are male, and behavior therapy is the most important component in treatment. The etiology of transsexualism is multifactorial, yet little understood. Again, it is more prevalent among men than women. Transsexuals attending clinics show a high rate of other psychiatric disturbances. The most successful treatment involves actual hormonal and surgical sex change." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BW+96] Brown, G.R. / Wise, T.N. / Costa, P.T. / Herbst, J.H. / Fagan, P.J. / Schmidt, C.W., 1996
Personality Characteristics and Sexual Functioning of 188 Cross-Dressing Men.
In: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, Vol. 184, 1996, pp. 265-273
[Bro65] Brown, J., 1965
A Behavioral Analysis of Masochism
In: Journal of Experimental Research Perspectives, Vol. 1, 1965, pp. 65-70
Abstract:  "In examining masochism from a behavior-theory viewpoint, stimulus-situation properties such as noxiousness are revealed as usefully defined only in terms of behavior. But since a given situation may be approached by one organism and avoided by another, its pleasantness or aversiveness is entirely relative to the behavior chosen as the foundation for one's definition. The "pleasure in pain" of the masochist involves two such contradictory behavior-based statements since the situations he approaches are sometimes avoided by others. By shifts of primary emphasis, any of numerous pairs of behavioral observations may be used to define either masochism or its opposite, hedonophobia. Mechanisms capable of producing unlike reactions to the same situation are considered."
[BMM64] Brown, J.S. / Martin, R.C. / Morrow, M., 1964
Self-punitive behaviour in the rat: facilitative effects of punishment on resistance to extinction
In: Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, Vol. 57, 1964, pp. 127-133
[Bro00] Brown, R.P., 2000
Understanding the disorders of sexual preference
In: Practitioner, Vol. 244, No. 1610, 2000, pp. 438-443
[BN56] Brown, Sydney / Nyswander, Marie, 1956
The Treatment of Masochistic Adults
In: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1956, pp. 351-364
[BB80] Brownell, K.D. / Barlow, David H., 1980
The behavioral treatment of sexual deviation
in: Goldstein, Alan / Foa, Edna B. (ed.): Handbook of Behavioral Interventions: a Clinical Guide, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Wiley, New York, Chichester
[BHB77] Brownell, K.D. / Hayes, S.C. / Barlow, David H., 1977
Patterns of appropriate and deviant sexual arousal: The behavioral treatment of multiple sexual deviations
In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 45, 1977, pp. 1144-1155
[BK+99] Browning, James R. / Kessler, Debra / Hatfield, Elaine / Choo, Patricia, 1999
Power, Gender, and Sexual Behaviour
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 36, No. 4, 1999, pp. 342-347
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bru29] Bruckbräu, Friedrich W. (ed.), 1829
Mittheilungen aus den geheimen Memoiren einer deutschen Sängerin: ein Spiegel wundersamer Liebesabenteuer der denkwürdigsten Personen unserer Zeit
Publisher: MISSING, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Bru34] Brunfels, Otto, 1534
Onomastikon medicinae
Publisher: J. Schott, Straßburg
Language: Latin
Notes:  Several different editions, circa 372 pages.
[Bru97] Bruno, Richard L., 1997
Devotees, pretenders and wannabees: Two cases of Factitious Disability Disorder
In: Journal of Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 15, 1997, pp. 243-260
[Bru83] Brunt, E., 1983, 19.2.
De Feministische Paradox: de strijd tegen de vanille-sex
In: Haagse Post, 1983, 19.2., pp. ?-?
Language: Dutch
[Bry82] Bryant, C.D., 1982
Sexual deviancy and social proscription; the social context of carnal behavior
Publisher: Human Sciences Press, New York
[Bry03] Bryson, Norman, 2003
Yukio Mishima und Hosoe Eikohs Ordeal By Roses (1963)
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 402-416
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Buc70] Buchen, Irving (ed.), 1970
The Perverse Imagination: Sexuality and Literary Culture
Publisher: New York University Press, New York
[Buh78] Buhrich, Neil, 1978
Motivation for cross-dressing in heterosexual transvestism
In: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol. 57, No. 2, 1978, pp. 145-152
Abstract:  "Interviewed 33 members of a club established for heterosexual transvestites to assess (a) motivation for cross-dressing, and (b) the importance of compulsive and narcissistic aspects in their transvestite behavior. These data were compared with those reported by 24 transsexual Ss. While cross-dressed, transvestite and transsexual Ss frequently reported feeling relaxed, comfortable, and relieved of masculine demands. Transvestite Ss showed significantly more compulsive and narcissistic aspects in their transvestite behavior than transsexual Ss. Fetishistic pleasure was infrequently given as a motivation for cross-dressing." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Buh83] Buhrich, Neil, 1983
The association of erotic piercing with homosexuality, sadomasochism, bondage, fetishism and tattoos
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1983, pp. 167-171
Abstract:  "Sexual deviations of subscribers advertising in the dalliance columns of Gauntlet, a magazine published for those with an erotic interest in piercing, were examined. There appeared to be a strong association between erotic piercing and homosexuality, sadomasochism, bondage, fetishism, and tattoos. Males advertised 25 times more frequently than females." (APA/PsycINFO)
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BB81] Buhrich, Neil / Beaumont, Trina, 1981
Comparison of transvestism in Australia and America
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1981, pp. 269-279
Abstract:  "Obtained questionnaire data on gender identity, sexual orientation, cross-dressing behavior, fetishism, and bondage from 136 American (mean age 49 yrs) and 86 Australian (mean age 38 yrs) self-designated transvestites who reported a period of fetishism to women's clothes at some stage of development. Characteristics of transvestism were similar: All were male; almost half first cross-dressed in prepuberty and were well-established by late adolescence; intense fetishism was usually experienced during adolescence but waned in later years; in almost a quarter of Ss fetishism ceased, although the desire to cross-dress continued; in many, transvestism was associated with fantasies of bondage, usually of Ss bound while cross-dressed; and sexual orientation was predominantly or exclusively heterosexual in most Ss. Ss were categorized into 2 groups. Group 1, termed nuclear transvestites, were satisfied with cross-dressing. Group 2, termed marginal transvestites, desired feminization by hormone ingestion or by surgical intervention. Marginal compared to nuclear transvestites reported stronger feminine gender identity and a stronger interest in the homosexual direction. Differences appeared to be present from childhood." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BM77] Buhrich, Neil / McConaghy, Neil, 1977
Can fetishism occur in transsexuals?
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1977, pp. 223-235
Abstract:  "Studied the relationship between transsexualism and transvestism and their association with fetishism. Sexual activity, including sexual arousal to women's clothes, is frequently reported in histories of transsexuals. Characteristics are reported of 12 23-56 yr old males who showed sexual arousal to women's clothes and who had a sustained cross-gender identity combined with a desire for a change-of-sex operation. Five Ss, who were seeking a full change-of-sex operation, were referred from a transsexual clinic; the other 7 Ss were volunteers from a club for heterosexual transvestites. Diagnostic categories alternative to transsexualism for Ss who cross-dress were inadequate to classify at least some of the 12 Ss. Restricting the definition of transsexualism to exclude those who have shown fetishistic features is considered premature." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BB77a] Bullough, Vern / Bullough, Bonnie, 1977
Sin, Sickness, Sanity: A History of Sexual Attitudes
Publisher: New American Library, New York
[Bul76] Bullough, Vern L., 1976
Sexual Variance in Society and History
Publisher: University of Chicago Press, Chicago
[Bul76a] Bullough, Vern L., 1976
Sex, Society, and History
Publisher: Science History Publications, New York
[Bul94] Bullough, Vern L., 1994
Science in the Bedroom: A History of Sex Research
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
[Bul94a] Bullough, Vern L., 1994
in: Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.): Human sexuality: an encyclopedia, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
[BB82] Bullough, Vern L. / Brundage, J., 1982
Sexual Practices and the Medieval Church
Publisher: Prometheus, Buffalo, NY
[BB64] Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, B.L., 1964
The History of Prostitution
Publisher: University Books, New Hyde Park, NY
[BB94] Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.), 1994
Human sexuality: an encyclopedia
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
Recommended reading
[BDD94] Bullough, Vern L. / Dixon, Dwight / Dixon, Joan, 1994
Sadism, masochism and history, or when is behavior sado-masochistic?
in: Porter, Roy / Teich, Mikulás (ed.): Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Science: The history of attitudes to sexuality, pp. 47-62
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
[BKA59] Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden (ed.), 1959
Sittlichkeitsdelikte: Arbeitstagung im Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden vom 20. April bis 25. April 1959 über Bekämpfung der Sittlichkeitsdelikte
Proceedings of: Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden, 1959
Publisher: Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden
Language: German
[BpjS89] Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften, 1989
Entscheidung Nr. 3599 (V) vom 14.07.1989 (Indizierungsbeschluss Willie, John: "Die Abenteuer der Sweet Gwendoline" (→ Wil74)
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BpjS89a] Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften, 1989
Entscheidung Nr. 4007 vom 7.12.1989 (Indizierungsbeschluss Manara, Milo: "Die Kunst, den Hintern zu versohlen" (→ Ena)
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bur03] Burch, Noel, 2003
Gegen die Sade'sche Ästhetik
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 296-324
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BBS90] Buresova, A. / Bartova, D. / Svestka, J., 1990
Comparison of pharmacotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of sexual deviant behaviour
In: Activitas Nervosa Superior, Vol. 32, No. 4, 1990, pp. 299-301
Abstract:  "Compared the effects of depot medroxyprogestronacetate and oxyprothepine decanoate (OXD) with the standard drug diethylstilbestrol dipropionate (DSD) in the treatment of 21 patients (aged 18-57 yrs) with sexual deviant behavior. The parameters monitored included relapse of sexual deviant behavior, phalloplethysmographic findings, plasma testosterone levels, and spermiologic findings. There was a relapse in fetishistic behavior with the application of OXD and a relapse of exhibitionism with the application of DSD." (APA/PsycINFO)
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Publisher: Delphin, Göttingen
Language: German
Notes:  4 volumes, censored in Germany
[Ber50a] ten Bergh, Henry L., ohne Jahr, ca. 1950
Phänomenologie der Psychopathia Sexualis (Irrwege der Liebe). Band 2: Erotischer Symbolismus, Masochismus, Sadismus, Fetischismus und andere geschlechtliche Verirrungen.
Publisher: Delphin, Göttingen
Language: German
Notes:  4 volumes, censored in Germany

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