
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted by key: T

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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Last change: 20.09.2004

[Twi0494g] Nora (Pseud.), 1994
Wieder versaut ... Fernsehthema Sadomaso
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 38
Language: German
[Tue66] Tüllmann, Adolf, 1966
Sex und Liebe in USA
Publisher: Günther, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Tue03] Türkel, Siegfried, 1903
Sexualpathologische Fälle
In: Archiv für Kriminalanthropologie, Vol. XI, 1903, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Tue03a] Tüting, Axel, 2003
Publisher: Lusttraum Verlag, Hannover
Language: German
[Tab64] Tabachnick, Norman, 1964
Failure and Masochism
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 18, 1964, pp. 304-316
[Tab01] Tabares, Jaime, 2001
La perversion fetichista: Del duelo patologico a la identification maniaca alienante
(Fetish perversion: From pathological mourning to alienating manic identification)
In: Revista de Psicoanalisis de la Asociacion Psicoanalitica de Madrid, Vol. 36, 2001, pp. 55-78
Language: Spanish
Abstract:  "Discusses the role of depression, paranoid anxiety, and pathological mourning in the development of masculine perversion and fetishism. The case history of a 24-yr-old Spanish male with sexual impotence, masochistic fantasies, and a fetish associated with female feet and painted nails is described to illustrate the dissociation involved in the development of alienating manic identification."
[Tag93] Tagetes, Rinella, 1993
Die Regenkönigin
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
Notes:  161 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tag95] Tagetes, Rinella, 1995
Der nächste Sklave bitte!
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[Tak00] Takahashi, Takashi, 2000
Letter from Tokyo: Domina Benio und The Tao of Love
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 51, 2000, pp. 74
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tak00a] Takahashi, Takashi, 2000
Letter from Tokyo: The Show Must Go On
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 52, 2000, pp. 74-75
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tak99] Takahashi, Takashi, 1999
Letter from Tokyo
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 49, 1999, pp. 44-45
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tal77] Tallent, N., 1977
Sexual deviation as a diagnostic entity: A confused and sinister concept
In: Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 41, No. 1, 1977, pp. 40-59
[Tal10] Talmeyr, Maurice, 1910
Das Ende einer Gesellschaft: neue Formen der Korruption in Paris Series: Sexualpsychologische Bibliothek, Vol. 6
Publisher: L. Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
[Tam94] Tame, Chris R., 1994
Why sado-masochism should not be criminalised
Publisher: Libertarian Alliance, London
[Tan95] Tan, Cecilia (ed.), 1995
S/M Visions: The Best of Circlet Press
Publisher: Masquerade, New York
[Tan95a] Tan, Cecilia (ed.), 1995
S/M Futures: Erotica on the Edge
Publisher: Circlet Press, Boston, MA
[Tan99] Tan, Cecilia (ed.), 1999
Fetish Fantastic
Publisher: Circlet Press, Boston, MA
[TZ01] Tan, Yuci / Zhong, Youbin, 2001
Chinese style psychoanalysis - assessment and treatment of paraphilias: Exhibitionism, frotteurism, voyeurism, and fetishism
In: International Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2001, pp. 297-314
Abstract:  "Treatment of paraphiliacs in North America has met with long-term success. As a result, the treatment, especially of exhibitionism, frotteurism (scopophilias), voyeurism, and fetishism in terms of fiscal responsibility, is estimated at over $169.00 per offender. Chinese Style Psychoanalysis has been more positive, with a very high success rate. This paper describes methods and includes case histories of the authors' work with sexual paraphiliacs. Chinese Style Psychoanalysis focuses on analyzing the patient's infantile behaviors. The patients' easily remembered childhood experiences served as evidence. Eventually, the patients achieved insight and understood that their paraphilic behaviors and impulses were molded by their childhood psychology and behaviors, and that they were using childhood amusement to meet adult sexuality. They then gave up the paraphilic behavior on their own initiative. It is proposed that utilizing these methods for the treatment of certain paraphilias would greatly enhance methods now in use in the West."
[Tan83] Tannahill, Reay, 1983
Kulturgeschichte der Erotik
Publisher: Ullstein Verlag, Frankfurt am Main et al.
Language: German
[Tao97] Taormino, Tristan, 1997
The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women
Publisher: Cleis Press
[TC96] Taormino, Tristan / Clark, David Aaron (ed.), 1996
Ritual Sex
Publisher: Masquerade, New York
Abstract:  "Ritual Sex, edited by Tristan Taormino and CU contributing writer David Aaron Clark, is an anthology exploring the many intersections of sex and religion. Recently released by Rhinoceros, the book includes pieces by such well known kinky authors as Laura Antoniou, Guy Baldwin, Pat Califia, Genesis P-Orridge, Annie Sprinkle, and Mark Thompson." (Masquerade)
[Tar67a] Tardieu, Ambroise-Auguste, 1867
Étude médico-légale sur les attentats aux moeurs
5th edition
Publisher: J.-B. Baillière, Paris
Language: French
[TM89] Tarlow, Gerald / Maxwell, Anne, 1989
Clinical handbook of behavior therapy: Adult psychological disorders
Publisher: Brookline, Cambridge, MA
Notes:  360 pp.
Abstract:  Contains entries on "Deviant sexual fantasies", "Exhibitionism", "Fetishism", "Sadomasochism", "Transvestism", "Voyeurism", "Scavenging behavior (coprophagy and pica).
[Tar67] Tarnowsky, Benjamin, 1967
Perversität des Geschlechtssinnes
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 36-49
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Tar86] Tarnowsky, Benjamin, 1886
Die krankhaften Erscheinungen des Geschlechtssinnes: eine forensisch-psychiatrische Studie
Publisher: Hirschwald, Berlin
Language: German
[Tat94] Tattoodoc, 1994
Some Reactions of a "Kinky" Physician
In: Checkmate, Vol. 9, 1994, pp. ?-?
[Tax91] Taxil, Léo (i.e. Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès), 1891
La corruption fin de siècle
Publisher: Noirot, Paris
Language: French
[Tay80] Taylor, Graeme J., 1980
Splitting of the ego in transvestism and mask wearing
In: International Review of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1980, pp. 511-520
Language: E, F, D, SP abstracts
Abstract:  "Review of the origin and functions of masks reveals that from the earliest of times masks were worn to (1) protect and disguise and (2) magically transform identity and facilitate the release of repressed libidinal and aggressive impulses. The case of a 63-yr-old male transvestite who wore masks fetishistically is reported. Clinical material demonstrates multiple identities resulting from a vertical split in the ego." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Tay97] Taylor, Sue, 1997 (Doctoral thesis)
The anatomy of anxiety: A psychoanalytic account of the work of Hans Bellmer
School: University of Chicago
Abstract:  "From the 1930s in Germany until his death in Paris in 1975, Hans Bellmer remained preoccupied with sexual subject matter. Whether in paintings, sculpture, photographs, or graphic art, his work consists almost exclusively of eroticized images of the tortured female body. Because the repetitive nature of these representations suggests a compulsive neurosis, I investigate the psychic conflicts that might propel his enterprise. Relying on psychoanalysis for insights into the construction of a sexual subject, I attempt to determine why Bellmer is so consumed by desire, driven by erotomania and longing for suffering and revenge. Although he styled himself a quintessential Oedipal son, Bellmer's filial attitude was perhaps more complex than he consciously allowed. His reiterations of father-hatred and his paranoid disposition towards authority deserve the kind of scrutiny that his obsessive depictions of corporeal punishments also require, and I propose that a feminine identification informs all the perversions enacted in his art: the fetishism and pedophilia embodied in his first doll sculpture; the sadomasochism staged in his photographs of its successor, the ball-jointed doll with multiple limbs; and the passive/aggressive scoptophilia of his photographic spectacles of female genitals and graphic depictions of sexual activities. Attentive to his transvestite performances and his heretofore untranslated writings, I trace a repressed homoerotic attachment to the father with a concomitant castration anxiety and unconscious sense of guilt. Bellmer's reconstructions of the primal scene in photographs, prose, and drawings show him re-visiting the traumatic moment when sexual difference is discovered; the resulting castration fears are reanimated at times in his life of threatened abandonment and loss. Thus his fetishizing of the female figure (endowing it with compensatory phallic qualities), like his unceasing assertions that male and female are equivalent, can be understood as a disavowal of difference. The reification of the female body, as central as it is to Bellmer's work and to that of other male Surrealists, becomes instrumental to the more urgent project of defending against a homosexual object choice and the disconcerting loss of masculinity that might entail." (APA/PsycINFO)
[TAZ91] taz (Autor ungenannt), 1991, 12.10.
"Geschäftsmäßige Erziehungsspiele mit Zofen"
In: die tageszeitung, 1991, 12.10., pp. 28
Language: German
[TAZ92] taz (Autor ungenannt), 1992, 23.01.
Kein Verbot von Porno-Filmen
In: die tageszeitung, 1992, 23.01., pp. 5
Language: German
[Teg96] Tegtmeier, Bettina (ed.), 1996
Schmerz - Strafe - Lust
Publisher: Seitenblick, Siegburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Teg98] Tegtmeier, Bettina (ed.), 1998
Schwarze Anblicke
Publisher: Seitenblick, Siegburg
Language: German
Notes:  242 Seiten.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Teg99] Tegtmeier, Bettina (ed.), 1999
Sklaven und Meister
Publisher: Seitenblick, Siegburg
Language: German
[Tem89] Tempo (Autor ungenannt), 1989
Zur Lage des Sex
In: Tempo, Vol. 3, 1989, pp. 55-62
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tem91] Tempo (Autor ungenannt), 1991
Gier auf Gummi
In: Tempo, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Tes] Tessin, Hans von, FEHLT
Macht und Peitsche
Publisher: Nordisk Bladcentral, Kopenhagen
Language: German
[Tho] Thönnissen, Ann, FEHLT
"In den Staub, du geiler Sklave!"
In: Stern, Vol. ?, FEHLT, pp. 68-76
Language: German
[Thoa] Thönnissen, Ann, FEHLT
Prügelstrafe für den Anwalt
In: Stern, Vol. ?, FEHLT, pp. 70-76
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Thu45] Thürlimann, Rochus, 1945 (Doctoral thesis)
Über die Indikation und den therapeutischen Erfolg der Kastration bei sexuell Perversen
School: Universität Zürich
Language: German
Notes:  57 pages
[The90] Theis, Hannelore, 1990 (Doctoral thesis)
Masochismus und Weiblichkeit
School: Freie Universität Berlin
Language: German
[The] Thelen, Friedrich, vor 1975
Erziehung in der Ehe. Bd. 1: Der Herr im Hause
Publisher: Hönscheid, München
Language: German
[The60] Thelen, Friedrich, 1960
Die Welt der Flagellanten
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[The63] Thelen, Friedrich, 1963
Das Verhalten der Flagellanten in Realität und Phantasie
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[The77] Theweleit, Klaus, 1977
Männerphantasien, Bd. 1: Frauen, Fluten, Körper, Geschichte
Publisher: Stroemfeld/Roter Stern, Frankfurt a.M.
Language: German
Notes:  611 pages
[The78] Theweleit, Klaus, 1978
Männerphantasien, Bd. 2: Zur Psychoanalyse des Weißen Terrors
Publisher: Stroemfeld/Roter Stern, Frankfurt a.M.
Language: German
Notes:  564 pages
[The87] Theweleit, Klaus, 1987
Male Fantasies - Volume 1: Women, Floods, Bodies, History
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis
Notes:  English translation of → The77.
[The89] Theweleit, Klaus, 1989
Male Fantasies - Volume 1: Male Bodies: Psychoanalysing the White Terror
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis
Notes:  English translation of → The78.
[Thi96] Thibault, Kelly J., 1996
Leather and Latex Care: How to Keep Your Leather and Latex Looking Great
Publisher: Daedalus, San Francisco
[TS+84] Thibault, Robert / Spencer, Jerry D. / Bishop, John W. / Hibler, Neil, 1984
An Unusual Autoerotic Death: Asphyxia with an Abdominal Ligature
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 29, 1984, pp. 679-684
[Thi03] Thiers, Jean-Baptiste., 1703
Critique de l'histoire des flagellants et justification de l'usage des disciplines volontaires
Publisher: Jean de Nully, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  420 pages.
[Tho11] Thoinot, Léon Henri, 1911
Medicolegal aspects of moral offenses
Publisher: F.A. Davis, Philadelphia
Notes:  487 pages. Translated from French and enlarged by Arthur W. Weysse.
[Tho92] Thomas, Marianne, 1992
Die netten Perversen von nebenan
In: Prinz (München), Vol. ? (Juni), 1992, pp. 38-44
Language: German
[TB02] Thompson, A.R. / Beail, N., 2002
The treatment of auto-erotic asphyxiation in a man with severe intellectual disabilities: The effectiveness of a behavioural and educational programme
In: Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2002, pp. 36-47
Abstract:  "This paper discusses the treatment of an autistic 18 yr old male with a severe intellectual disability engaged in auto-erotic asphyxiation. It describes how the legal aspects of the design and implementation of the treatment approach were handled. The treatment approach involved a behavioural and psycho-educational programme. A single case study methodology was utilized in order to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. The intervention led to the learning of new adaptive behaviour. Auto-erotic asphyxiation ceased and the individual's masturbatory behaviour changed sufficiently to reduce the threat of mortality. Qualitatively, a significant reduction in the level of stress experienced by the individual's family was reported. It is concluded that behavioural and educational techniques may be effective in the management of such cases. Further research replicating such techniques with similar cases is required prior to the efficacy of this treatment becoming established."
[Tho51] Thompson, Janet, 1951
Transvestism: an empirical study
In: International Journal of Sexology, Vol. 4, 1951, pp. 216-219
Abstract:  "The author, a man 38 years old, has worn female clothes exclusively since age 31 years. His second wife divorced him because of his transvestism. Although transvestism is sometimes linked with fetishism or homosexuality, the writer's acquaintanceship with over 50 transvestites has shown no 'common denominator other than the desire to wear the clothes of the opposite sex.' The position is taken that transvestism begins prior to age five years and is largely due to 'faulty, incomplete or distorted sex identification.' Since the mechanism becomes compulsive, no cure can be effected until the underlying emotional problem is resolved." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Tho93] Thompson, Mark, 1993
Lederlust - Der SM-Kult
Publisher: Bruno Gmünder, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Tho91.
[Tho91] Thompson, Mark (ed.), 1991
Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice.
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston, Mass.
[Tho94] Thompson, William, 1994
Sadomasochism: Painful Perversion or Pleasurable Play
Publisher: Cassell, London
[Tho01] Thomsen, Edith E., ohne Jahr, ca. 2001 (Doctoral thesis)
Techniques of SM that are helpful in gaining comfort with sexual intimacy for survivors of child sexual abuse who practice SM play
School: Center for Psychological Studies, Berkeley, California
Abstract:  "This study utilizes a qualitative design to discover what if any techniques in SM sexual play are helpful to survivors of child sexual abuse. Seven women and one man from across the country were interviewed in-person or through e-mail regarding their thoughts and feelings about SM play’s helpfulness in overcoming problems with sexual intimacy. Their experiences were not differentiated by age, sex, or region of the country in which they reside.
The data analysis followed the "constant comparative" approach of Grounded Theory (Strauss & Corbin, 1998). The findings reveal many techniques that were helpful for the respondents in gaining comfort with sexual intimacy. These include playing with control/power, communication, trust, a sense of safety, mutual respect, an emotional bond/intimacy, and being able to get in touch with one's body. Respondents also gained self-esteem, self-respect, and knowledge of one's self all of which are vital to achieving comfort with sexual intimacy.
It was found that SM play provides a structure within which the participants could experiment with sexual activities and emotional intimacy within specific boundaries which they were party to setting. In this way they felt they were able to overcome certain inhibitions that evolved from their experience of sexual abuse achieving emotional and sexual communication which they had not previously been able to attain."

[Tho67] Thorne, Melvin Q. Jr., 1967
Marital and LSD therapy with a transvestite and his wife
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1967, pp. 169-177
Abstract:  "Presents a case report of a 43-yr-old male, who was a transvestite, drug addict, alcoholic, and a sadomasochist, and his 33-yr-old wife. 'Observations of the symptomatology, etiology, and treatment of a transvestite' are presented. 20 therapy sessions were conducted. The purpose of therapy was to help the S 'gain a better understanding of his need for this type of behavior.' The partners' relationships were sadomasochistic. The wife admitted having homosexual desires. After a 90-day treatment program, S was discharged and the couple continued outpatient treatment. At lst, his acceptance of himself was improved, but his addiction continued. At the time of S's sudden death, however, he had been free from drugs for 4 mo. and was warning young people about the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs." (APA/PsycINFO)
[TM97] Thornton, David / Mann, Ruth, 1997
Sexual Masochism: Assessment and Treatment
in: Laws, Donald Richard / O'Donohue, William (ed.): Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Publications, New York
[Tik82] Tiklicoret, Paula, 1982
Smokers Against Healthism
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Tin92] Tintelnot, Christine, 9. November 1992
Cap San Diego: Mädchen gequält, 1000 sahen zu
In: BILD (Hamburg), 9. November 1992, pp. ?
Language: German
[Tis67] Tissot, M., 1967
Der Onanismus, seine hintergründigen Gefahren
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 10-18
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Toc95] Tochtermann, Erwin, 1995
Erst als er zustach, war er für sie ein echter Mann: Sadomasochistisch veranlagtes Opfer reizte den Partner, der "Wärme und Liebe" suchte
In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Vol. 99, 1995, pp. 35
Language: German
[Tol79] Tollison, C. David, 1979
Sexual Disorders
Publisher: Gardner Press, New York
[TA79] Tollison, C.D. / Adams, H.E., 1979
Sexual Disorders: Treatment, Theory, and Research
Publisher: Gardner Press, New York
[Tom98] Tom of Finland, 1998
The Art of Pleasure
Publisher: Taschen, Köln
[TU77] Topiar, A. / Uhlir, F., 1977
(The case of raincoat fetishism with a sadistic component)
In: Československa Psychiatrie, Vol. 73, No. 6, 1977, pp. 401-403
Language: Czech with Russian summary
Abstract:  "Describes a fetishistic raincoat ritual that included a sadistic component with an assumed raping of the object. The ceremony became a means of gratification of a primary sexual need in interaction with a partner, and was a stabilizing and conductive factor in genital function." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Top84] Topor, Roland, 1984
Die Masochisten
Publisher: Kiepenheuer und Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[TBS94] Tough, Suzanne C. / Butt, John C. / Sanders, Gary L., 1994
Autoerotic Asphyxial Deaths: Analysis of Nineteen Fatalities in Alberta, 1978 to 1989
In: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 39, 1994, pp. 157-160
Abstract:  "This paper presents an unusual form of sexual (masturbatory) activity and brings this unusual cause of death to wider medical attention and understanding. All 19 cases of autoerotic asphyxial death that occurred between 1978 and 1989 in the province of Alberta, Canada were reviewed. The fatal victim of autoerotic asphyxia is typically a single male aged 15 to 29 years. Autoerotic sexual activity is typically performed in isolation; often there is evidence of repetitive practice. The accidental death usually results when the 'safety' mechanism designed to alleviate neck compression fails. Often the first sign of the activity (usually a surprise to family and friends) is death itself. Physicians who are alert to the practice may suggest counselling when patients present with sexual concerns, unusual marks around the neck or evidence of abrasions to limbs suggesting bondage or other masochistic practices."
[Tou68] Toulmouche, first name?, 1868
In: Annales d'hygiène, Vol. VI, 1868, pp. 100
Language: French
[Tou03] Toulotte, E.L.J., 1803
Le Dominicain, ou les crimes de l'intolérance et les effets du célibat réligieux
Publisher: Pigoreau, Paris
Language: French
[TH+01] Tournel, G. / Hubert, N. / Rouge, C. / Hedouin, V. / Gosset, D., 2001
Complete autoerotic asphyxiation: suicide or accident?
In: American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2001, pp. 180-183
Abstract:  "A case of a typical form of sexual asphyxiation is described, involving a young man hanging, in a context of autoerotic asphyxia. Multiple and different parameters are included in the definition."
[Tow01] Townsend, Larry, 2001
Das Lederhandbuch II
Publisher: Querverlag, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Leatherman's Handbook II, The New Millennium Edition Fifth Printing" by Gerold Hens, 443 Seiten.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Tow72] Townsend, Larry, 1972
The Leatherman's Handbook
1st edition
Publisher: Olympia Press, MISSING
[Tow77] Townsend, Larry, 1977
The Leatherman's Handbook
3rd edition
Publisher: Le Salon, San Francisco
[Tow83] Townsend, Larry, 1983
The Leatherman's Handbook II
Publisher: Modernismo, New York
[Tow93] Townsend, Larry, 1993
Meister gegen Schwachkopf
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[Tow95] Townsend, Larry, 1995
Ask Larry
Publisher: Masquerade, New York
[Tow96] Townsend, Larry, 1996
Leather Ad: M
Notes:  201 pages
[Tow96a] Townsend, Larry, 1996
Leather Ad: S
Notes:  211 pages
[Tow97] Townsend, Larry, 1997
The Leatherman's Handbook
Publisher: Richard Kasak, New York
[Tow97a] Townsend, Larry, 1997
Der Todeskuss
Publisher: Jackwerth, Köln
Language: German
Notes:  Translation from English by A. Bauch, original title MISSING.
[Tow97b] Townsend, Larry, 1997
Der Geköpfte
Publisher: Jackwerth, Köln
Language: German
Notes:  Translation from English by Martin Rometsch, original title MISSING.
[Tow98] Townsend, Larry, 1998
Das Lederhandbuch
Publisher: Querverlag, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Tow97.
[Tow82] Townsend, Larry (ed.), 1982
The Fledermaus Anthology
Publisher: Larry Townsend, Los Angeles, CA
[Tow95a] Townsend, Larry (ed.), 1995
Of Slaves & Ropes & Lovers
Publisher: LT Publications, Los Angeles, CA
[Tra27] Traeger, Ludwig, 1927
Die Einwilligung des Verletzten und andere Unrechtsausschließungsgründe im zukünftigen Strafrecht
In: Der Gerichtssaal, Vol. 94, 1927, pp. 112-176
Language: German
[TP93] Travin, Sheldon / Protter, Barry, 1993
Sexual Perversion: Integrative Treatment Approaches for the Clinician
Publisher: Plenum Press, New York et al.
[Tre01] Trebla, 2001
Bizarre Lehrjahre. Vom Klosterschüler zum perfekten Sklaven.
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  183 pages
[Tre84] Treut, Monika, 1984
Die grausame Frau
Publisher: Stroemfeld / Roter Stern, Basel und Frankfurt
Language: German
Notes:  252 pages
[Tri] Trix, FEHLT
Die Flagellantin
Language: German
[Tro69] Trocchi, Alexander, 1969
Publisher: Olympia Press, Darmstadt
Language: German
[Tro00] Troma, Antonia, 2000
Süßer Schmerz. Erotische Fantasien.
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  136 pages
[Tro98] Trotha, Hans von, 1998
Starke Worte
In: Freibeuter, Vol. 76, 1998, pp. 105-110
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tru91] Truscott, Carol, 1991
S/M: Some questions and a few answers
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston, Mass.
[Tsu97] Tsui, Kitty, 1997
Sparks Fly
[Tuc91] Tucker, Scott, 1991
The Hanged Man
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston, Mass.
[Twi0494b] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 8
Language: German
[Twi0494c] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Kitkat Club
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 9
Language: German
[Twi0494d] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Neugründung S/M-Gesprächskreis in Berlin
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 11
Language: German
[Twi0494f] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Countdown on Spanner ... S/M-Justiz England
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 22
Language: German
[Twi0494h] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Gummi kaputt? Reparatur von Kleidung und Wäsche aus Gummi und Lackfolie
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 40
Language: German
[TF98] Twohig, Fleur / Furnham, Adrian, 1998
Lay beliefs about overcoming four sexual paraphilias: Fetishism, paedophilia, sexual sadism and voyeurism
In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 24, No. 2, 1998, pp. 267-278
Abstract:  "Investigated lay people's beliefs about the importance of 24 contributors to overcoming 4 paraphilias: fetishism, paedophilia, sexual sadism, and voyeurism. 100 participants (aged 17-35 yrs) were asked to complete an 8-page questionnaire that involved rating the importance of each of the contributors in overcoming each of the 4 problems in turn, as well as personality and sexual attitudes measures. Factor analysis (with varimax rotation) of the coping strategies were performed, revealing 3 factors labelled 'self-reliance,' 'seeking help,' and 'external control.' A number of multiple regression analyses indicated that various demographic details predicted beliefs about the importance of each of the 3 curative factors. Trait measures and attitudes to sex were weakly related to curative beliefs. Self-reliance/will-power was seen as the most important factor in overcoming these paraphilias."
[TD97] Tyler, Alison / Davidson, Dante, 1997
Bondage on a Budget
Publisher: Masquerade, New York

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